Username: Kitsunes97
Application for: Content Mod
Edits made on the wiki: 1263
Days/months you have been editing here: 1 month
Why I should have this right: I've been helping out when to come to screenshots images, renamed to good filename, add missing categories on any images or pages, keeping clean pages, organized episode images in ordinal order, added missing interlanguage links, fills missing any images on Galleries, I'm also good at fixing my mistakes, keeping eyes on locating and undo vandalism (since there isn't any vandalism lately this week, will keep eye to notice new vandalisms). I'm friendly, polite, nice and helpful person, and respect rules and this wiki, I'm fully available to help.
For: @Spongebob456 @Nightsilver @Kunoichi101 @KaineDaCharizard