--Tags i can't add--
This is Heaven, the home of Angels, Seraphims, The Exorcists, Adam, Lute and Cherubs! ⬇️
If I were to go to Hazbin Hotel's version of Heaven, I would love to meet St. Peter, Sera, Emily, along with the various other angels who reside there. Emily and Sera would should show me around and teach me all about Heaven! Also, I'd LOVE to visit those ice cream shops and that petting zoo Charlie mentioned during her and Vaggie's stay in that heavenly hotel. Plus, I would LOVE to meet Abel, because he, like Emily, would be such a such a fun and friendly person to hang out with! The only "angels" that I'm not looking forward to see are Adam, Lute and The Exorcists. Adam is the one that I despise the most. Even though he has great guitar skills, he's still a total jerk. Anyways, It would be very lovely to be in Heaven, I mean, look at that picture, look at that atmosphere!
This one was a lot tougher than the other two. I want to clarify: I AM NOT SHIPPING EMILY AND PENTIOUS!!! This is like Emily kinda trying to ease him into Heaven a bit easier. This is only the middle part because I don’t want to do the first part and the end so… ANYWAY LETS GET INTO IT!!!
Emily: Morning, sleepyhead!
You've been resting for a while.
I swore that you were dead,
When you wound up in my office.
Did you know you talk in your sleep?
Tell me, though, who's this “Cherri”?
Pentious: She's…no one…
Emily: Anyways, I've got all you could want here!
All you could need here!
Just right up here, my dear, redeemed for life!
Soon, onto the streets we’ll go and spend our time!
Pentious: I'm not an angel…
Emily: It’s all what you want here!
It’s what you need here!
Just you and me, my friend, in paradise!
Now 'til the end of time!
From here on out, you're fine! Just fine…
Pentious: Hell no, I could kill you where you stand!
I'm no angel, I'm an evil man!
Emily: Oh silly, you may try;
But last I checked, Seraphim can't die!!
Pent: Seraphim-?
Emily: You're adorable!
You’re speaking to the Angel of Joy, oh, here to entertain!
But fear not, I bring no pain
'Cause we've got:
All we could want here!
All we could need here!
Under God’s spell, we're stuck in paradise!
No one can come nor go, this Heaven stays unknown.
Pent: No, no!
I don't belong here!
There's something wrong here!
I won't be drawn to life in paradise!
Not 'til the end of time, there is no way!
Emily: You're fine, just fine…
Asmodeus and Fizzarolli adopting a fallen Emily
Abel and Emily
Like, is there anything to support it? Or is it just one of those “I ship it cuz I can” ships?
The name Emily was taken as a Page on the Fundamental paper education Fanon Fandom so I called her Miss Emily and she is the Art/Kindergarten Teacher in my au
I have stolen the personalities and traits from Charlie, Emily, Lucifer and Husk. (LOL! I'm just joking!)
I scrolled through twitter in hazbin hotel abel tag and i saw plenty of arts where Emily and Abel depicted as couple
Abel only showed up on official christmas art and people already shipping Emily with Abel
74 Votes in Poll
Even though we just got him on Christmas Day many people already ship them and I’m grown on it I feel like they’ll probably start as best friend then either one of them starts feeling for them
Catching up on posting here, so here's the winter Emily I drew for the holiday season!
I’m too lazy to rewrite it T^T
One of the admin had deleted it so I now have a light mod screenshot of it T^T
Any comment on that theory?
Check out this image of Luigi dressed as Emily.
This post is associated with this post.
Well, I tried. Also wanted to draw Sera and angel version of Pentious, but now I'm not sure if I'll draw them.
I for some reason enjoy doing things done already many times before. Including making angel Alastor with Emily’s colors.