(mostly belohagor and Leviathan since we alr knew what the other 3 looked like)
76 Votes in Poll
(Art by me on Autodesk Sketchbook)
That drawing of Fizz with Mammon's done now! Took me a moment and I'm sorry about that, but I'm happy with it! What are your guys' feedback? Lemme know pls, this isn't the greatest thing in Hell
Also, I would add actual line art to this, but the brushes in the art program I made this on are dogsh*t LMFAO-
I watched Mastermind yesterday (a little late, but details) and, since all the Deadly Sins appeared in full in this episode, I had an idea.
Doing some research, I discovered that in the first Christian classification of the deadly sins, the sins were a little different than the "modern" ones. They were originally:
Gluttony, Lust, Greed, Wrath, Sadness, Sloth, Vainglory and Pride.
Later, Sadness and Vainglory were merged with Sloth and Pride respectively, while Envy was added later, giving rise to the list we know today.
With that out of the way, let's get to the point: how would you imagine the Deadly Sins of Sadness and Vainglory?
I've been trying to imagine a design for them all day, but I couldn't find almost anything. Also, as far as I can tell, unlike the "modern" Deadly Sins, there are no demons associated with these two vices (I'm not very good at research, so maybe I missed something), which makes it even more complicated.
I searched online to see if anyone had a similar idea to mine, but I couldn't find anything.
Do you have any suggestions
or ideas?
Bro what- 😂
WHAT THE ACTUAL F*Ck even is mammon’s full form like holy f*king sh!t
Here's what I feel like Lucifer's relationship/thoughts with each sin would be like:
Satan: Likes to mess with and tease him but gets scared when he finally snaps. Probably thinks he's a party pooper and tries to get him to lighten up. Hates how he thinks he's better than Lucifer when he's truly not
Bee: Thinks she's surprisingly responsible and a fun person to be around. Loves how kind and caring she is and likes to hang out with her
Mam: Reminds him of Adam too much. Constantly wants to tell him to shut up.
Ozzie: Thinks he can be a little inappropriate at times but overall, likes him as a person. Doesn't think he's as responsible as he actually is, hates how tall he is, but likes hanging out with him (also secretly got rizz advice for Lilith from him)
Levi: Doesnt know which head to look at/talk to when speaking to them. Would like them more if they knew more of what they were really thinking (because he doesn't know which head is expressing their true feelings)
Bel: Rambles about ducks to her but she just falls asleep. Finds it rude but truly knows she cant help it. Tries to keep her awake but ultimately fails
What are your thoughts?
Hey everyone. So, I know all of you are relief that that we have all the hh/hb sins. But I just realized: What do Lucifer's, Satan's, Leviathan's and Belphegor's houses look like? I mean, we saw Bee's mansion in s1 ep8 and Asmodeus's tower in s2 ep6. But I just realized, what do the rest of the sins houses looks like? So, comment here on what you guys think Lucifer's, Satan's, Leviathan's and Belphegor's houses look like
Lucifer's house:
Satan's house:
Leviathan's house:
Belphegor's house:
And just for the Mammon fans, comment on what you think on what Mammon's house looks like
Mammon's house:
Like, out of the other six sins, do you think he has a favorite?
If so, who do you think is his favorite?
Not his favorite sin to do but, favorite sin as a person?
Does this make sense?