The gruff, blind cowboy older brother of Millie, he may be blind, but that won't stop him from being a sharp shooter. He lost his eyes to Striker and is hellbent on revenge. He's the only one in Millie's family that actually respects Moxxie, because according to him, toughness doesn't come from muscles, it comes from the heart.
So, the episode mentioned should be named "Bloody Valentine’s", and it centers around Roo trying to conquer all of Hell by murdering couples in every ring and brainwashing other couples into doing her bidding, so now I.M.P’s gotta stop Roo before it’s too late and she’s successful in her plans
Remember the first episode about D.H.O.R.K.S.? Before that episode, scenes rarely had glowy imp or hellhound eyes, the eyes were often just plain yellow or plain red unless you were superpowered royalty or had some royal blood.
Then Moxxie had that induced dream where Blitz and himself began having glowing eyes while singing.
But after the induced dream Moxxie had, more things began to have those glowing eyes.
Alongside this, after the episode (but not necessarily immediately after), as a coincidence, some parts of the old Helluva Boss canon began getting retconned, including the pilot episode.
I know these are just coincidences and changes done as a direct or indirect consequence of changes in style or to improve the scene, but nevertheless the theory I read in interesting, to say the least: what if the episodes where people have more glowing eyes than normal are just Moxxie's dreams?
Did you know Moxxie and Millie dated Chaz before they date each other?
38 Votes in Poll
I can predict a few. But this is all based on stuff that I know for sure it coming.
I think Millie and/or Moxxie will be singing a song about the uncertainties of parenthood. Should they or should they not have this baby. Will they or won't they be good parents? What will their child think of them? Will they be able to keep being killers or should they quit? And can they reform if they quit? I can even see multiple songs about these different sub-sections of this mindset for them.
I also predict a song for Stella. In fact her actress claimed to be taking lessons. I certainly hope those went well or else they'll need to find someone else to do the honors. As for the song itself, I could see it being either a straight forward villain song, or a conflicted villain song as we're supposed to be introduced to a third dimension to her. Maybe there's room for both with the conflicted one being a reprise?
That's all I've got based on what I know for sure is on it's way. Anything else is anyone's game.
If it's a girl, I think Moxxie will name her after his mother. To honor her, and this would also be after he quits I.M.P.. And finally becomes the good person his mother wanted him to be.
I wonder what her name was?
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