A young female praying mantis-like sinner, and like all female praying mantis, she'll eat you after a one night stand. she does get a little guilty about doing it, but it's her instincts, she's so dangerous, not even Valentino will look in her direction. she's a employee at Rosie's emporium.
Before going to hell
She lived her life on a farm with her husband, until a famine hit them, out hungry, desperate, and paranoid, Iris thought her husband was going to kill her for food. so she killed him first, and then ate his flesh, after seeing what she had done, she was traumatized and took her own life.
63 Votes in Poll
I've been waiting for her wiki page to be added for a long time now and it's still not here. I think I'll just do it myself but I do not know how to make renders, so any help with this would be greatly appreciated. I think the screenshot above is good because it's one of the only times where her full body is shown. There was another time during "Ready for This" but she looked happy there, whereas here she looks angry and it captures her personality better.
Me watching “Hello Rosie”
For the first time and see Alastor and Rosie’s first interaction:
“ooo!! Wow! Ship!
At the end: “ooo! Mom and son!”
This is my brain’s process ok-
Alastor: “You Are My Sunshine” (LA) [He’s from Louisiana] Husk: “On the Banks of the Wabash, Far Away” (Indiana ) Valentino: “Hail! South Dakota” (SD) or “On, Wisconsin!” (WI) Velvette: “I Love You, California” (CA) Angel, Mimzy, Rosie, & Vox: “I Love New York” (NY)
26 Votes in Poll
Here's the other half of pretty much all my Hazbin and Helluva art from over the summer
(In order of halfway through the summer to the end)
That's the end!
(Also as you can tell, I don't watermark my drawings or anything so please please please don't steal em. Thanks.)
Lucifer flirting with Rosie just to get back at Alastor
I know it’s a massive long shot but if so then the other members I would like to see in this Cabal would be Zestial and King Lucifer Morningstar (even more unlikely I know but since The Vees want to takeover Hell or at least The Pride Ring when they sang the season finale song then “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” applies here). It would help Lucifer and Alastor finally start getting along since Val hates and has threatened Princess Charlie and Vox and Alastor have hated each other for years. Now I know Lucifer could instantly crush The Vees but humor me. If not these 2 or 3 who do you think should be part of Alastor’s group to take down The Vees? Rosie is another option I would accept.