This one was a lot tougher than the other two. I want to clarify: I AM NOT SHIPPING EMILY AND PENTIOUS!!! This is like Emily kinda trying to ease him into Heaven a bit easier. This is only the middle part because I don’t want to do the first part and the end so… ANYWAY LETS GET INTO IT!!!
Emily: Morning, sleepyhead!
You've been resting for a while.
I swore that you were dead,
When you wound up in my office.
Did you know you talk in your sleep?
Tell me, though, who's this “Cherri”?
Pentious: She's…no one…
Emily: Anyways, I've got all you could want here!
All you could need here!
Just right up here, my dear, redeemed for life!
Soon, onto the streets we’ll go and spend our time!
Pentious: I'm not an angel…
Emily: It’s all what you want here!
It’s what you need here!
Just you and me, my friend, in paradise!
Now 'til the end of time!
From here on out, you're fine! Just fine…
Pentious: Hell no, I could kill you where you stand!
I'm no angel, I'm an evil man!
Emily: Oh silly, you may try;
But last I checked, Seraphim can't die!!
Pent: Seraphim-?
Emily: You're adorable!
You’re speaking to the Angel of Joy, oh, here to entertain!
But fear not, I bring no pain
'Cause we've got:
All we could want here!
All we could need here!
Under God’s spell, we're stuck in paradise!
No one can come nor go, this Heaven stays unknown.
Pent: No, no!
I don't belong here!
There's something wrong here!
I won't be drawn to life in paradise!
Not 'til the end of time, there is no way!
Emily: You're fine, just fine…