What kind of powers do you think the rulers of Envy and Sloth have? We never got explore their powers.
I don’t think so. I’m hoping for a backstory on him next season.
What kind of powers do you think the rulers of Envy and Sloth have? We never got explore their powers.
I got confused.
What would happen if Striker meets Via.
I hope for someone to sing to Octavia to cheer her up.
@AZA-049-RS What do you mean glorified babysitter?
Check ho9w reliable that source is before you stir up drama.
Stolas, sorry if this is a sensitive question for you, but how was Via’s relationship with her mom growing up.
Blitzo-What kind of hybrid do you think Striker is?
Charlie, have you told your dad about Val licking your hand yet?
I’d say Vox. Viv said he will be a villain in S2
My guess it will start with Charlie greeting new sinners with Pentious adjusting to heaven. Meanwhile, Vox is starting his own plan.
@Dark Wolf 6527 What is it like to be asexual and aromantic?
I think it will start the same way with Stolas, except it will be Via remembering what her relationship with both of her parents was like growing up and deciding which parents was there for her the most. She will then call out her mom on her actions the way she did with her father. This causes Stella to reflect on her childhood and how she followed her father’s way. This makes her realized what her actions have done.
How do you think Season 3 will start?
Supporting Via?
Here’s a thought brought up. Loona telling Via about her life before Blitz and how lucky she was to grew up in a home of her own.
Let me know which foreshadowing you saw and why you think it will reflect season 3.
Now I remember.
Who’s Vikki?
Besides, it’s a name that suits the ice princess