I voted Vaggie but NOT because I simp. Because I genuinely do not want Velvette to be related to me in any way shape or form
Criminy right?
@VeggieGoBrrrr idk if this is a necropost or not-
RIP Dantdm RIP
I’m very concerned
What is Alastor gonna ask Charlie to do????
What is Lute gonna do?
What if Abel turns out to be Adam 2.0?
What if someone hurts Emily?
What if Sir pentious gets sent back to hell? (Not actually that bad ngl)
What if the next extermination Lute targets Charlie?
I wish 😭
I’m sorry but what the actual fuck-
Velvette and Carmilla?
What the literal hell-
Husk. Cards. Husk win.
Here it is:
I found a fanart thing a few years ago, Alastor is wearing a shirt that says “RESPECT WOMEN!” In big letters, and then right below it in smaller letters it says “except Vaggie”
For real though
Vaggie and Vox became friends over their shared hatred for Alastor lol
The leaks? And no
I will not be respectful towards Lute though. Ever
I try 😅
@DarkLock92 or the fact that she could quite easily defeat them (not her alone but like, her company)
I think he’s gonna be ST. Peter 2.0 -.-