Darwin is Princess Charlotte “Charlie” Morningstar and Gumball is King Lucifer Morningstar or Vaggie. It even includes songs.
Alastor beat Husk at cards. The OVERLORD of gambling. My vote goes to Alastor.
@Sejund Harsh and another point on you kind of being a jerk (to put it nicely).
@Sejund Don’t shoot the messenger. Is it really hard and wrong to want Alastor (and Rosie) to find True Love?
If I had to choose 1 I’d say (and hope) Alastor and Rosie.
King Lucifer Morningstar, Satan, and Beelzebub
36 Votes in Poll
@D-ManTheMovieTVGuy Thank You and @Sejund Please don’t be a jerk.
Stayed Gone, Hell’s Greatest Dad, More Than Anything, and You Didn’t Know are at the top of my list. But also Ready For This, Poison, and Respectless are also there for Canon songs. As for Songs outside the show: Smile Like You Mean It, Insane, Daisies, Addict, Alastor’s version of We’ll Meet Again, and Halos in Hell (at least).
Darwin is Princess Charlotte “Charlie” Morningstar and Gumball is King Lucifer Morningstar or Vaggie. It even includes songs.
I do agree with Anthony/Angel Dust though. What Alastor did to The Pizza was/is PURE EVIL.
You know what I meant and some are hits (like this) others are misses (I don’t mean to cause arguments but in MY OPINION that RadioApple crap).
It’s on Anthony’s (Angel Dust’s) Web Page.
Well some people prefer canon stuff and this is ALL WE GOT until next season.
Another point to Alastor.
Charlotte “Charlie” Morningstar as Molly
On Hulu copyright, trademark, or something Warner Brothers. Animation(?)
Trademark or Copyright or Something Walt Disney Enterprises
How accurate would you say this is when Charlie was talking about Vaggie and their relationship to Alastor (Alastor as Peter Griffin and Charlie Morningstar as Lois Griffin)?
@Mango-Pango No offense But He was the copycats I was referring to NOT Counting.
Copyright (or whatever it’s called) by: Alastor The Radio Demon
Damnit you’re right. I thought something was off when putting this in. I just assumed that because he was from The (Italian) Mob he was from Italy. Thank You for alerting everyone (and me) so early. Good Night.