I mean for something that your friend pays for, bet you never repay them. The best scam is a promise if repayment.
Heheh. Begging for something is kinda funny
They happen when people find websites of the post in specific. It is usually when questions are asked or theories are made. It's kinda like when you find reddit posts on Google.
When someone comments on an old post. Sometimes posts over a year ago. It happens.
Dog I got a job, but not an official card. I can only use cash and I am waiting for State ID to start one.
Wait...oh I thought it was talking about what you are purchasing for Valentine's Day... WHY CAN I NOT READ
Wow. Am I the only one who chose yes?
Yeah. My algebra teacher is said to be a jerk, but he is a good guy. My English teacher is in his final years of teaching. My art teacher is everyone's favorite. My PE teacher is caring to all of us. And my Social Communication teacher is just an awesome teacher because of her kindness.
Not for a Valentine's, but for all my teachers. The school is having a fundraiser and you can purchase treats for other students and teachers. I am planning to give all my teachers a cookie and a small note saying how great of a teacher they are.
My apologies.
Fun thing is that the way it's ordered is the exact way it's ordered for popular soda lists. Coke first, Dr. Pepper second, and Pepsi third. The reason is because one became more popular and people simp for one more than the other. The most popular is over rated.
Now that would be hilarious. All dangers and sins while one is fluffy.
The thing is I guess I am a Lucifer fan now. I enjoy diet dr. pepper. GOD DAMNIT
Veggie when she sees a necroposter and she can lock the post
Velvette doesn't really care, but probably at the same time wouldn't really care if she helps or not.
Stab stab stab, HAHAHAHAHHA
Now that's kinda cute
Doesn't mean skill is gained.
Husk was a gambling overlord He will find a way to make you lose money so damn fast.