(mostly belohagor and Leviathan since we alr knew what the other 3 looked like)
Girls night💅
Happy new year everyone! 🎉
@Mango-Pango i think that's just light in but ur not wrong I do like the sort of whiteness in Levis hair
(mostly belohagor and Leviathan since we alr knew what the other 3 looked like)
Cool art and all but you should've done leviathan as gangel since their astsince it has the two masks
@Sejund I'm Australian and its currently 2:23 for me, my fam decided to stay up all night and have a small dinner with drinks. ik not everyone knows this but you can also tell I'm Australian by the way I say ”chrissy” = Christmas.
I'm thinking a miscarrige either from work or just natural
Merry Chrissy eve y'all hope you have a good one!! And a wonderful Chrissy tomorow!! 👍
Idk there all awesome 😭 Beelzebub, Verosika, Sallie, Loona, Millie I can't just chose one :[
@Otterlett.Canon1 ik it was by fausitsse, that's also why I mentioned it may be canon or not
@Mango-Pango a few years ago one of the hazbin staff confirmed Rosie was a Hellborn and an overlord, it is unknown if its still canon or not
@Number1fan23 but both colours are in multiple screenshots
@Mangapizzawizard idk it the 2nd image of of his teeth seems to orangey to just be the lighting
I was looking through husk galleries and I noticed he has 2 different teethe colours. A light yellow
And an orangey yellow
It can't just be colour theory there to different.
@SinPersonified ig but Ima just see what what the staff say
@SinPersonified i mean like a category like this https://hazbinhotel.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Species
And not like a hierarchy but just demon royalty
Would demon royalty be a category? since there's the goetia’s, the deadly sins, Charlie and lilith. Could I also make a categories for LGBT staff?
Very shocked hazbin was only mentioned once
I think bee is a Hellhounds because, a few years ago I did research and found that Cerberus was the leader of the gluttony ring, idk if that's actually true or anything but that's what I'm guessing.