I'd say none but probably Vox just to spite Alastor XD
(I picked Val by mistake nooo)
@BoomSuki yes. (and it's Andrealphus)
@Maddoxs Oh. WELL IT'S STILL TRUE- (also in my AU he's technically a dad, sooo. . .)
Aren't they fawking siblings tho? XD
Aw, so cute. (Also is it just me or is this drawn with the same placing the Morningstar family portrait has?)
(Am I reading into this too much? XD)
53 Votes in Poll
Artist is harliig
Same here lol
Posting this here to see if it'll gain traction (and bc the fanon wiki is dying lmao)
The scene opens up in a random part of the Drug District. We see Angel walking down the streets absently until he hears a voice call out to him
???: Angel. Angel~
Angel: he whips around to see who's there, but no one is Huh? Alright, which one 'a you bastards is playin' that trick on me again?! Cuz I'll-
???: laughs This is no trick, querida.
Angel: sighs Look, I don't got time fer this. I jus' wanna buy my booze an' go home alright?!
The figure/voice steps out the shadows, revealing himself to be Tino.
Tino: grabs Angel by the waist and leans his face closer to Angel's Your only home is with me, remember? Or do I have to shove it down your pretty, stupid, brain?! he smirks evilly as red smoke begins to swirl around Angel
Angel: wearily/angrily No. . .i'd neva. . .go home-
Tino: sighs Fine. I guess I have to show you, then.
He slowly leans closer to Angel's lips, but before he can do anything, the entire world seems to swirl into deep, black nothingness
???: Angel. Angel? ANGEL!
Angel groggily wakes up. There's a small bag of white pills and at least three empty beers on the table where he's laying at
Husk: he sighs in relief Oh, good. You're not dead. Again.
Charlie: You've been out for twenty minutes! We were worried!
Alastor: Eh, I wasn't.
Charlie: glares at him Not. Now.
Alastor: his eyes go wide for a moment, but then he goes back to his devilish manner Sheesh, fine.
Charlie: turns back to Angel But seriously, what happened? she asks as she gingerly picks up Angel's drugs and tosses them in the trash
Angel: I. . .don't know. But all I 'member is Val-
Husk: You had that dream again, didn't you?
Angel: sighs Yeah, probably.
Vaggie: rolls her eyes Oh boy. This'll be good.
(To be continued. Lmao.)
Lol this is finna be good. XD
@Moonwatch5678 lol yeh. That's kinda what I hoped to aim for. XD
I wanna cook Andrealphus and Stella and feed them to Beelzebub lol
Angel wings:
(my take) Fallen Angel wings:
Which one do u like better?
@Creative TV yep.