Hazbin Hotel Вики

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Hazbin Hotel Вики
Hazbin Hotel Вики
Hazbin Hotel Вики

Когда я увижу его (ориг. When I See Him) — песня, исполненная Блицем и Столасом в эпизоде «Полнолуние» сериала «Адский Босс» во время подготовки к их ежемесячному свиданию в полнолуние.


Stolas: Thank you to the butterflies in my stomach
I haven't felt this nervous
Since I was a little fluffy down nesting

My derring-do is half-disguised behind a smile
My beak is grinding, ever minding
I swore I wouldn't dwell on the divorce
So for my own health, I'll remind myself

That when I see him
I know that it won't feel so tough
I'll believe him
And not the voice that says I'm not enough
No need for an arrangement, it can just be him and me

I'll set us free
How perfect it could be
When I see him tonight

Blitzo: See him tonight? Alright, alright
It's been a while since he bеgged for attention
Are wе okay?
Huh, can't really say
I'm getting by by avoiding his questions
So complicated, I hate when it's complicated
Why do I always end up in situations that are complicated?
Here I go again, gettin' in my head
So I'll focus on the sexy stuff instead

Stolas: When I see him
Blitzo: When I see him, I'm gonna do that thing he likes
Stolas: I will change things
Blitzo: No need to change things
I'll just bring the rope and spikes
Stolas: Oh gosh!

Blitzo: We've got a nice arrangement and it's working out just fine
We'll keep it light
Stolas: I'll fucking die alone if this goes bad
Both: When I see him tonight

Stolas: Am I doing something I can't take back?
Blitzo: Relax!
Stolas: Would he want me if he was free?
Blitzo: We're fine!

Stolas: And if he's only here as a prisoner
What kind of monster does that make me?
My entire life's been written in stone
Blitzo: We're gonna bone!

Stolas: He taught me that I could choose
Blitzo: It's cool!
Stolas: He deserves the choice to stay or go
Though it scares me to think what I'd lose

Blitzo: Can't wait to lose ourselves in nasty sex
And make that bird squawk
Stolas: We really must converse
Blitzo: We'll just stick with what makes sense
Like him sucking my—

Stolas: Augh! This is the worst!
Waiting for the shoe to drop
Blitzo: Who needs words when you got a mouth full of—
Stolas: Come to your senses

Blitzo: Then I'll do that thing with my tongue where I—
Stolas: He's worthy of your love and trust
Blitzo: I'll eat his bird puss nice and rough

Stolas: Tonight cannot come soon
Blitzo: He'll be coming soon
Both:' Enough (Blitzo: Oh yeah!)

Stolas: But when I see him
Will it be tender or be tough?
Will it please him or will I just be fucking it all up?
Can this be a relationship or am I still naive?
I'll set us free
Whatever it may be
When I see him

Good morning to the butterflies in my stomach
I haven't felt this giddy
Since I was a little fluffy down nestling
My derring-do is half-disguised behind a smile
My beak is grinding, ever minding
I swore I wouldn't dwell on the divorce
So for my own health, I'll remind myself

That when I see him
I know that it won't feel so tough
I'll believe him
And not the voice that says I'm not enough
No need for an arrangement, it can just be him and me
I'll set us free
How perfect it could be
When I see him tonight

See him tonight? Alright, alright
It's been a while since I've had his attention
Are we okay? Can't really say
I've gotten by by avoiding his questions
So complicated, I hate when it's complicated
Why do I always end up in situations that are complicated?
Here I go again, I'm getting in my head
So I'll focus on the sexy stuff instead

When I see him
When I see him, I'll do that thing he likes
I will change things
No need to change things
I'll just bring the rope and spikes
Oh god!
We've got a nice arrangement and it's working out just fine
We'll keep it light
I'll fucking die alone if this goes bad
When I see him tonight

Am I doing something I can't take back?
Would he want me if he was free?
We're fine!
And if he's only here as a prisoner
What kind of monster does that make me?
My entire life's been written in stone
We're gonna bone!
He taught me that I could choose
It's cool!
He deserves the choice to stay or go
Though it scares me to think what I'd lose

Can't wait to lose ourselves in nasty sex
And make that bird squawk
We really must converse
We'll just stick with what makes sense
Like him sucking my—
Augh! This is the worst!
Waiting for the shoe to drop
Who needs words when you got a mouth full of—
Come to your senses
Then I'll do that thing with my mouth—
He's worthy of your love and trust
I'll eat his bird puss nice and rough
Tonight cannot come soon
He'll be coming soon
Enough (Oh yeah!)

When I see him
Will it be tender or be rough?
Will it please him or will I just be fucking it all up?
Can this be a relationship or am I still naïve?
I'll set us free
Whatever it may be
When I see him tonight




Сериал Отель Хазбин Адский Босс
Песни Я всегда следую за радугойЕсть радуга у демона внутриРеприза АластораЗАВИСИМЫЙСчастливый день в АдуАд навсегдаИсчезНачни с «прости»НеуважениеЛюбой ценойЯдЛузер, деткаЛучший адский папаБольше всего на светеДобро пожаловать в РайТы не зналаИз-за любвиГотова к этомуБольше всего на свете (Реприза)Финал Джингл И.М.ПО МиллиПесня учительницыТы будешь в порядкеМой мир горит вокруг меняЛу Лу ЛендОтдых на БонтаунеЧлен мустангаДжингл Х.Е.Р.У.В.И.МПесня СтрайкераБэд-трип МоксиДом АсмодеяСтолас поётДо дня нашей смертиЭто я люблюВремя ЧезаСрываем чёртову свадьбуБаллада о СтрайкереО чём ты думаешь?Сладкая ватаБал монстровОбычный ДжоПосмотрите на меня!У тебя есть сила (большое шоу Милли)Посмотри на этоЖонглировать крутоКлоун, сучкаКривой2 минуты славыВзгляни на меняКогда я увижу егоВсё 2ля тебя (урод)Справься со мнойИз-за тебяЖутковатая любовьЯ хочу трахнуть призракаКукловодДень за днёмЯ буду в порядкеГрехждественская вечеринка (я убью тебя)Счастливого Грехждества
Треки Паучий поставщикПятьдесят оттенков яйцаПришли новостиПожалуйста, не пойПрофессиональная сучкаМонолог ЧарлиУ нас есть гей-паукОдна маленькая дракаВ руках ЭнджелаПривет, мамМир — это сценаРадио-ДемонНастоящая сюрреалистическая сделкаЭту малышку зовут НиффтиЭтого малыша зовут ХаскСэр Пентиус нахрен подыхает Столас говоритРобо-шоу ФиззиПочему он ненавидит её сильнее, чем любит меня?Ярость ледяного маркиза
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