- "Let this be a lesson, Moxxie... This is what happens when you cross me."
- ―Crimson, forcing a young Moxxie to kill
Crimson is Moxxie's father and the head of a powerful mafia organization in the Greed Ring. He is an antagonist who made his debut in the Helluva Boss episode "Exes and Oohs".
He invites I.M.P over to his estate so that he could marry his son over to Chazwick Thurman, under the assumption that Chaz was rich. In "Oops", Crimson hires Striker for a big score and later uses Fizzarolli as a hostage to extort Asmodeus.
Crimson is a quite tall imp demon, standing closer in height to Blitzo, with white hair, black and white striped horns, and yellow sclera. Around his eyes are white markings, with the right being larger than the left. He possesses a crooked and bent tail with white accents near the base and on the middle of his tail fork.
His appearance is similar to his son Moxxie, with similar hair and shape of his horns, however larger and slightly more jagged. Unlike his son, Crimson's skin is a darker shade of red and his legs appear to be plantigrade, rather than digitigrade. One of Crimson's fangs has been replaced with a golden fang.
Crimson's attire consists of a red high-collar shirt that grips his neck, topped by a navy blue coat with light blue accents, thin red stripes, red buttons, and red lining. His pants are dark blue which also have thin red stripes, and his shoes are black and red-heeled dress shoes. He also wears a black fedora with a red and white band.
Crimson is a vicious and extremely ruthless crime boss that controls a large army of shark-demon gangsters. He is shown to have been horrifically abusive towards Moxxie since his childhood, constantly levying physical and psychological abuse towards Moxxie, and by extension his wife.
He cultivates an aura of fear in those that know him, even towards his own family members and close associates like Moxxie and Chazwick. Ultimately, his greed and power come first to him, and he harbors no remorse for his victims. This comes to the point that he appears mentally prepared to kill blood-related family members, such as his wife and Moxxie, to advance his personal goals.
Despite this, he is capable of exhibiting a seemingly jovial, warm, happy, and even charismatic presence when he chooses to do so, such as during his initial meeting with Blitzo and Millie, or during moments when he feels comfortable. However, he can be quick to discard this external display of affection as required.
Crimson is extremely prejudiced, having demonstrated to be chauvinistic and sexist towards women, as well as homophobic of his son's orientation. He would often refer to Millie as being a dame, broad, beard, and other similarly negative terminologies.
He displays a lack of knowledge regarding concepts of sexuality, believing Moxxie's statement of being bisexual to simply mean he is homosexual, with Crimson disregarding his son's bisexuality and claiming he is simply gay and hiding that by marrying a woman, as claimed by his declaration of Millie being merely a "beard" for Moxxie. He furthermore holds bizarre beliefs as to what kind of home décor and wedding decorations/dresses homosexuals enjoy, such as decorating his home with a wide array of dildos in an attempt to placate Moxxie and forcing his son to wear a dress while forcibly attempting to marry him off.
- Leadership - Crimson has corralled himself to be the leader of a large, and seemingly powerful mafia, wielding absolute and unquestioned authority.
- Manipulation - As the leader of the criminal organization, Crimson keeps his business afloat through blackmail, threats, and violence and ensures efficiency in underlings. He also executed a long-term game of psychological manipulation towards his son, Moxxie, having cowed his son to the point that he exhibits extreme deference and, initially, obedience towards Crimson.
- Weapon Proficiency - He has been shown to be proficient in the usage of a knife, being able to quickly and expertly throw it at a long-range target, and hit the target accurately.
- The word "Crimson" is a dark shade of red.
- It is possible his surname may also be "Knolastname" after Moxxie's surname, "Knolastname", however, it is yet to be confirmed.
- Crimson's occupation as a mob boss was foreshadowed in "Murder Family", when, while discussing killing a "shitty dad, or a mob family", Moxxie quotes "That's understandable." from The Godfather.
- The accent Moxxie speaks in to say such a quote also indicates another key factor about Crimson; his heavy New York accent.
- It is possible that it was also foreshadowing to their vendetta.
- He shares the same voice actor as his son, Moxxie, with both being voiced by Richard Horvitz.
- The names of Crimson and his bodyguard, Alessio, can be viewed as "Crim n' Al", a joke on the word "criminal".[1]
- It was confirmed in a livestream that Crimson's death stare is based off of Stewie Griffin's from Family Guy.[citation needed]