- "You know, folks? With this company, I really wanted to prove that we're capable of doing the same things anyone else can! Like killing people! So, from us here at the Immediate Murder Professionals group, we promise to settle your unfinished business or your money...is gone and you're never getting it back and you can write us a bad review. But, we'll play dumb to it, because it's Hell and no one fucking cares."
- ―Blitzo
The Helluva Boss pilot is the unnamed pilot episode of Helluva Boss. It premiered on November 25, 2019, on Vivziepop's YouTube channel.
As of November 6, 2023, this episode has been removed from the official Helluva Boss YouTube playlist,[1] and on November 17, 2023, was confirmed to be non-canon to the main series.[2]
- In HELL, imps are the lowest of the low in society, but what happens when one starts an assassin business? This happens!
- Follow Blitzo (the 'o' is silent) as he attempts to run a startup killing company in a very competitive market, along with his weapons specialist Moxxie, his powerhouse Millie, and his receptionist hellhound Loona. With the help of an ancient book obtained by one of the princes of Hell, they manage to make their work possible and together they attempt to survive each other while trying to keep their business afloat.
The episode opens with Blitzo (the 'o' is silent) holding a meeting with the other employees of I.M.P to discuss their failing business. He then gets into an argument with Moxxie after blaming him for the company's poor performance, who blames Blitzo's poor business management instead and how he used all of their salaries to pay for an advertising campaign to run for a full three hours on a TV channel that nobody in Hell watches. Rather than take the blame for the campaign, Blitzo begins arguing with Moxxie about advertising jingles and comparing them to musical theatre, while Moxxie claims no one actually likes the jingle, before Millie chimes in, saying she likes it.
Blitzo then plays the adverts, which everyone watches while eating popcorn. The adverts show Blitzo dressed up as a vaudeville villain with top hats poking through his horns and a monocle, twiddling a fake mustache while burning down an orphanage, then him dressed as an Angel throwing a recyclable cup into a trash can while the staff of the cafe he is in look on in confusion. The advert then shows a testimonial from an Ohioan demon that hired I.M.P, who murdered his wife for sleeping with a delivery man and wanted revenge on the jogger who caught him hiding the body.
It then shows a montage of the company's handiwork, set to the jingle Blitzo and Moxxie were arguing about, before finishing in a park where Blitzo and Millie watch as Moxxie is lining up a shot on a target, before accidentally shooting Eddie after he walks in front of him.
They rush Eddie to a hospital, where a doctor and two nurses successfully revive him, but Blitzo, Moxxie, and Millie then jump out the window along with the hospital bed Eddie's in when they learn that they don't have any insurance. The episode cuts back to the meeting room, where Moxxie blames Loona for the screw up, reasoning that, as the dispatcher, she was meant to give them the right info on the target. Loona then insults him, and Moxxie tries to come up with a retort before angrily giving up and telling her to do her job.
Blitzo defends Loona, saying she did nothing wrong and is part of the company family, while Moxxie claims she is awful at her job. A series of flashbacks of Loona's interactions with her coworkers are then shown, including her hanging up on Millie when she called her after being stabbed, throwing an adoption anniversary gift from Blitzo on the ground, faxing Moxxie an advert for weight loss and later eating his lunch after coming into work with a hangover.
It then shows her at her desk, telling Blitzo that Stolas wants him on the phone, and that he sounds "DTF-y". Blitzo angrily claims it was a one time thing, and that if he hadn't slept with Stolas none of them would have access to the living world. A flashback of Blitzo acquiring the grimoire that the company uses is shown, before Loona yells his name to remind him that Stolas is waiting for him on the phone.
Blitzo is then shown in his office taking the call, where Stolas asks him to take care of a political candidate back on Earth, one who thinks global warming is real. After Blitzo asks him if it is real, Stolas says it is, but that more people will die if nothing is done, and that it gets lonely in Hell. Blitzo agrees that makes sense, when Stolas asks Blitzo if he knows what happens when he gets lonely, before beginning to graphically describe having sex with Blitzo. Blitzo ends the call in disgust and, deeply disturbed by what he just heard, destroys his cell phone.
The episode returns to the present, with Moxxie asking Blitzo on the subject of family if he could stop finding him and Millie outside of work. Millie claims that it's not a big deal, which surprises Moxxie. Another series of flashbacks are then shown, with Blitzo hiding in the couple's fridge, staring at Moxxie as he sleeps, and filming them with a camcorder as Moxxie sings to Millie, before Moxxie notices him.
The episode returns to the meeting room, where Blitzo insults Moxxie for valuing his and Millie's privacy, asking if he's trying to hide something, before Loona insults him again, starting an argument between Millie and Loona. Eddie, who has been lying on the hospital bed pretending to be paralyzed to avoid getting killed the entire meeting, interrupts them wanting to die to avoid having to listen to them anymore, all while insulting everyone else in the room. After his outburst Loona's phone gets a message, saying Eddie actually was the target, which Blitzo takes as a sign that maybe there is a god, drawing a pistol and shooting Eddie again.
A montage of Blitzo, Millie and Moxxie disposing of Eddie's body is shown while Blitzo narrates. It then cuts to the outside of a news studio in the living world, where Eddie's mom is appealing for help in finding her son, when a portal opens above her through which Blitzo dumps a bag containing Eddie's dismembered remains.
- Employees of I.M.P (debut)
- Goetia Royal Family (debut)
- Royal Family (non-speaking cameo)
- Charlie Morningstar (video only)
- Lucifer Morningstar (drawing)
- Ohioan Sinner Demon (debut; cameo)
- Katie Killjoy (pictured)
- Sir Pentious (pictured)
- Cherri Bomb (drawing)
- Rosie (drawing)
- Carmilla Carmine (drawing)
- Blitzo's family
- Barbie Wire (pictured)
- Tilla (pictured)
- Cash Buckzo (indirectly mentioned)
- Satan (name only)
- Eddie's family (debut)
- Eddie
- Eddie's mom
- Moxxie's parents (mentioned)
- Hospital staff (debut; cameo)
- Doctor
- Blue-haired nurse
- Pink-haired nurse
- God (mentioned)
- Loona's Hellphone
- Moxxie's guitar
- Stolas' Grimoire
- Moxxie and Millie's wedding portrait
- Blitzo's circus family portrait
- Unlike the Hazbin Hotel pilot, this pilot does not have a title.
- This episode is shown to take place after the Hazbin Hotel pilot, as Loona can be seen watching the live broadcast of Charlie advertising the hotel in one of the flashbacks.
- One of the only rooms that can be seen in I.M.P Headquarters has various portraits of the crew. This may be related to the fact that Blitzo sees him and his employees as a family.
- Blitzo said that his father destroyed his musical theatre dreams.
- A homeless imp can be seen holding a sign that says "Satan Bless", implying Satan is viewed as a deity-like figure. This was later confirmed in a stream by Vivienne Medrano.[3]
- Despite their company's service of killing humans, their advertisement includes a few demons being killed.
- The crowd present in the church are animated versions of the people who worked on the pilot.
- Moxxie appears distraught when he believes he almost killed an "innocent" child and can be seen being consoled in a scene in the hospital.
- In his bed at night, Moxxie claimed that a dream of his parents being murdered was seen as a nightmare, but was preferable to a midnight interaction with Blitzo when he had snuck into Moxxie's home and was watching him sleep.
- Blitzo states that he detests his father, stating one reason for this is his father's lack of supporting his dreams of working in musical theatre.
- The dumpster wherein Eddie's body is disposed of has various graffiti referencing Hazbin Hotel. For instance, the quote "Always Chasing Rainbows" references Charlie's song, a one-eyed smiling face representing Cherri Bomb, and the words "Happy Hotel" written on the side.
Blitzo's "Boss Goals" board
- The drawing of the unnamed Overlord is by Moxxie, as there is a note by Blitzo on it saying "Moxxie drew not as good".
- Moxxie's employee of the month portrait can be seen in the human house where they threw a grenade from.
- A drawing of Sir Pentious can be seen in the room of the victim whom they faked their suicide for.
- Blitzo is implied to be an atheist, or at least comically cynical in his ideas of a God, as he jokes, "Huh, I guess there is a God!", when informed that the human child Moxxie accidentally shot was their right target, after all.
- Eddie, a human child, was seemingly able to survive within Hell's environment before being killed.
- The wires attached to Eddie's body are shown to not even be connected to the monitor.
- Additionally, the monitor appears static.
- Moxxie blames Loona for supposedly not giving them the right target when in fact he was the one who accidentally shot Eddie instead of their supposed target at the time.
- Moxxie sings of how his wife's sadistic tendencies and brutality makes his heart skip a beat in "Oh Millie", implying he loves these traits of hers.
- In the French version of the non-canon Helluva Boss pilot, I.M.P is translated to "Infâmes Meurtriers Professionnels", which roughly means "Odious Professionals Murderers".
- Parts of the music used in the I.M.P commercial are used in the commercial created by Alastor in the Hazbin Hotel episode "Overture".
- On the fifth anniversary of the pilot, a video was released showing the behind the scenes recording for the pilot, in which Stolas' phone conversation dialogue is uncensored,[4] which he says:
"When I'm lonely, I become hungry... and when I become hungry, I want to CHOKE on that red dick of yours. Toss your salad and lick all of your shit before taking out your teeth and filling it with more teeth until you're screaming 'peepee poopoo' like a fucking baby--!".
Cultural References
- The "Chub B Gone" weight loss advertisement Moxxie received is a reference to the amphetamines of the same name from the series BoJack Horseman.
- The newscaster shown at the end of the pilot is a caricature of Brandon Rogers' "Flint Dicker" character from his YouTube channel.[5]
- The red-haired girl with glasses in the church is a caricature of Brandon Rogers' "Helen Brownstein" character from his YouTube channel.
- Moxxie and Millie own a Phantom Of The Opera playbill in their bedroom.
- Blitzo's "Boss Goals" board features a crude drawing of what appears to be Scrooge McDuck.
- A girl in the church is seen wearing a beanie that slightly resembles GIR from Invader Zim.
- Stolas mentions a political candidate trying to convince the public that global warming is real. He is referring to Al Gore and the Documentary film, An Inconvenient Truth.
- The scene showing Blitzo in Moxxie and Millie's fridge may be a reference to a scene in Brandon Rogers' The CEO YouTube video.[6]
- Moxxie asking Blitzo if insulting him makes him feel better about his sad miserable life, which Blitzo agrees, is a reference to a scene in the film Zootopia, which is one of Vivziepop's favorite films.
- The welcome sign in Imp City says the city was established in 1981, possibly implying that the city's founding date is a reference to The Imp, a horror film released that year.
- Millie's eyelashes change lengths throughout the episode.
- During the scene wherein Blitzo asks Moxxie if he has forgotten what their business is about, the remote he uses changes from a one-button remote to a TV remote.
- During the final verse of the I.M.P Jingle, though Moxxie clearly shoots Eddie with a double-barrel shotgun, it suddenly changes into a sniper rifle in the next shot.
- Loona loses the gray fur coloring above her eyes in the next cut of the phone, right after she tells him that Stolas is calling him.
- When Loona puts the phone down, her mouth disappears for a split second.
- The colors of Loona's irises and sclera are reversed during the scene wherein she asks Blitzo if her gift is a cure for Syphilis.
- When Blitzo looks out the window, he presses his face up against it hard enough to crack it, but when it cuts back to him closing the blinds the window is intact.
- In the same shot before cutting away from the window, Blitzo is incorrectly cropped, noticeable top-right, suggesting the he is misaligned in the scene.
- In the scene where Blitzo closes the blinds, it is shown that he closes them all the way down, however in the next shot it is shown that they are only halfway closed.
- In the scene wherein the rest of the I.M.P employees are first shown, the inverted pentagram opening that is supposed to be visible in the middle part of Loona's tanktop is colored in instead of leaving it the same as her fur color.
- Moxxie is seen standing next to Blitzo when they realize that Eddie was still alive. Moxxie is then seen sitting next to Millie again in the next scene.
- In the scene where Moxxie questions Loona about a weight loss ad he was sent, Loona's right ear is missing its tear.
- When Loona says "Nobody was talking about that", Millie's body can be seen phasing through the table.
- After Blitzo gets ahold of the grimoire, his upper body is seen sliding through the balcony.
- The design of Blitzo's eyelids is inconsistent throughout the episode.
- During the scene where Eddie starts insulting the employees of I.M.P, he has buck teeth, but in every other shot he is in, he has a tooth gap.
- The white splotch on the left side of Blitzo's face alternate from surrounding his eye to extending down to his neck throughout the episode.
- There are two frames during the scene where Loona mauls a human wherein a part of her chest is the same color as the red background.
- During the scene where Blitzo confesses to sleeping with Stolas, his back spikes are missing.
- During the scene where I.M.P agrees with Blitzo calling Eddie rude, the sound of a woman can be heard, but neither Millie nor Loona has their mouth open.
- Blitzo is surprised to find out their client wanted them to kill "an actual child", despite their company jingle explicitly stating "kids die for free".
- In some scenes, Blitzo's teeth are incorrectly colored as black rather than their usual yellow color.
View the episode's transcript here.
v • e Episodes | ||
Hazbin Hotel | Helluva Boss | |
Series Guide | ||
Pilot | That's Entertainment | Helluva Boss pilot |
Season 1 (HH • HB) |
Overture • Radio Killed the Video Star • Scrambled Eggs • Masquerade • Dad Beat Dad • Welcome to Heaven • Hello Rosie! • The Show Must Go On | Murder Family • Loo Loo Land • Spring Broken • C.H.E.R.U.B • The Harvest Moon Festival • Truth Seekers • Ozzie's • Queen Bee |
Season 2 (HH • HB) |
TBA | The Circus • Seeing Stars • Exes and Oohs • Western Energy • Unhappy Campers • Oops • MAMMON'S MAGNIFICENT MUSICAL MID-SEASON SPECIAL (ft Fizzarolli) • The Full Moon • Apology Tour • Ghostf**kers • Mastermind • Sinsmas |
Season 3 (HH • HB) |
Season 4 (HH • HB) |
Shorts (HB) |
N/A | Hell's Belles • Mission: Antarctica • Mission: Weeaboo-boo • Mission: Chupacabras |