Puppies Junior School is a school located on Earth that appeared in "Murder Family".
The late Mrs. Mayberry worked at the school as a teacher until she discovered, through a video call, that her husband was cheating on her with another woman, causing her to go to her house and murder her husband, attempt to murder the woman, then commit suicide after apologizing to her students, while the frightened kids witnessed the entire ordeal through the video call.
Some time after, Mayberry was replaced by another teacher, who allowed the woman Mayberry attempted to murder, Martha, to talk to Mrs. Mayberry's former students about overcoming the trauma of the attempted murder.
- The school's usage of antiquated technology, such as CRT computer monitors and mechanical mouses, implies either the time period the school is shown is in the early 2000s', or the school is underfunded and, thus, relies on older technology.