Hazbin Hotel Wiki

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Hazbin Hotel Wiki
Hazbin Hotel Wiki
"Welcome, Hell's sovereign Overlords. I've invited you all here because you represent the controlling powers of our city. Together, you own millions of souls. Souls that are at risk with the new Extermination schedule."
Carmilla Carmine, to her fellow Overlords at their meeting

Scrambled Eggs is the third episode of the first season of Hazbin Hotel, and the third episode overall. It premiered on January 19, 2024, on Prime Video.[1][2]


While the Hotel's guests and crew spend the day learning about trust, information revealed at a meeting of overlords leads to a respectless dispute.


The episode begins with the typical day at the Hazbin Hotel with Charlie Morningstar celebrating Sir Pentious' first week living in the hotel. Vaggie, however, was skeptical considering that she pointed out Sir Pentious literally tried to take over Pentagram City a few days ago with one of his weapon inventions, despite Charlie claiming that he hasn't been using weapons over a few days since he lives in the hotel now.

Right on cue, Sir Pentious comes into the lobby with another weapon invention: the Skin Flayer 1100. Charlie wants to know why, and Sir Pentious states that he's been on edge ever since he stayed at the hotel and the residents and workers were being too nice, making him believe that any one of them would possibly try to kill him. Two female Demons, Odette and Clara, were stopping by, delivering more weapons and parts for Sir Pentious, with Vaggie realizing that he's been building and buying weapons from Carmilla Carmine, an Overlord and the top biggest weapons dealer in Hell. Vaggie takes away the parts and weapons, telling him that everyone was being nice because he should feel welcomed. Despite that, Sir Pentious was skeptical of Vaggie's claims since Husk and Angel Dust still don't like him, and Niffty is still either psychotic or sadistically watching him. Vaggie lays down new rules in the hotel: no more weapons, no plotting against workers and guests, and tells Sir Pentious to get rid of his Egg Boiz minions because they're causing more havoc than he was, especially when one of them played with a laser cannon and blasted a hole through the ceiling. Sir Pentious was adamantly against letting go of his Egg Boiz since they are his minions, but Vaggie insisted that he get rid of the minions if he wants to be redeemed, so Sir Pentious bids his minions farewell and cries afterwards.

As for Alastor, he was eating his freshly-killed deer for breakfast when Vaggie came by to make him get rid of the Egg Boiz in a humane way, much to Alastor's displeasure, and decides to take them with him as he leaves the hotel. With Alastor taking care of the egg minions, Charlie saw the distrust amongst the guests and workers after Sir Pentious' decision to stay, so she comes up with a plan to start Trusting 101 exercises, and Charlie suggests that Vaggie could take the lead in the exercises. Despite her discomfort, Vaggie does so, but she starts these exercises like a military drill sergeant. She starts off with a trust fall, which the occupants must share something that they love and then fall for the other occupants to catch; however, it did not go smoothly as Vaggie and Charlie thought because Husk was grumpy, Angel was constantly making sexual harassments, and Niffty was a masochist who enjoys pain. Angel suggests another trust exercise, and leads them all to one place they can all do these exercises: a BDSM sex dungeon, much to Vaggie's disgust. After many horny sinners and demons try to seduce them and the uncomfortable Charlie, Vaggie has had it and takes the trust exercises to a whole new level where she was raised to earn trust.

Vaggie takes them to a bloody battlezone in the city, much to Charlie's outrage. She throws Sir Pentious, Angel, and Niffty into the battlefield where they are forced to survive and fight for survival. Husk was scared of how far the trust exercise was going, and quietly flees right before Vaggie and Charlie start to have a argument. Vaggie admits that she was having issues since Charlie trusts her to do the exercises, but her unorthodox methods have only made it worse. Vaggie tells Charlie that she needs to be alone to think this through, especially when the Extermination is coming in months.

Meanwhile, Alastor is touring the city with the Egg Boiz as his own minions. It was right when another Overlord reunites with him: Zestial, an ancient demon who speaks in Early Modern English (Shakespearian English). He appears to talk to Alastor that there's a meeting with the Overlords and now that he's return after a seven year absence, he and Alastor are being called to meet with the other Overlords to discuss the current situation regarding the Extermination coming up. He leaves the minions in charge of guarding the front door, but one of them, Frank, stows away in the elevator. The most powerful Overlords, including Rosie, Zeezi, and the other demon with a flaming blue head, appears in the meeting with Carmilla and her two daughters, Odette and Clara.

She discusses that with the upcoming Extermination coming closer than before, they need to act before Velvette barges right in as the representative for Vox and Valentino. She was being obnoxiously rude towards Carmilla and Zestial due to their status as being the oldest Overlords in Hell. She reveals something she has found during Extermination Day: a deceased head of an Exorcist. Now knowing that angels can be killed, Velvette proposes to arm the denizens with weapons to fight back as she and her boys have a battle plan to do it. Zestial disagrees since even if the exorcists can be killed, they still don't know how this one perished; it might not have been because of a demon at all. If they take action without knowing then this might bring the wrath of Heaven down on Hell for starting an uprising. Carmilla seemed to flare up after seeing the head to the point where she started singing Respectless out of suspicions that Carmilla knows something, to which she ends the meeting immediately. As the Overlords leave, Alastor notices something too, and spots Frank, ordering him to follow Carmilla and Zestial. Frank sneaks into the office where Zestial consults with Carmilla, revealing that she was the one who killed the Exorcist.

Upset, she starts singing, in correspondence with Vaggie questioning her trust, Whatever It Takes, revealing that Carmilla killed the Exorcist because the angel was attacking her, so she acted in defense and will do whatever it takes to protect her daughters and Zestial from the inevitable war. Frank reports this back to Alastor, who seems to be interested, and warns the Egg Boiz to never tell anyone else about this information.

Vaggie returns the hotel, and apologizes to Charlie for messing up with the exercise. Charlie forgives her as her exercise has built trust between the guests and the workers. Alastor returns with the egg minions, and Vaggie lets Sir Pentious keep the Egg Boiz. As Sir Pentious was preparing for bed, Frank inadvertently reveals that Carmilla killed an angel, but Sir Pentious dismisses that as nonsense since the Egg Boiz tend to babble things, as the episode ends.





  • Severed Exorcist head





  • It is revealed that Carmilla was the one responsible for the death of an Exorcist angel, with the head being found by Velvette some time after.
  • Carmilla is revealed to be the top dealer of weapons, what she sells includes those that are influenced/affiliated with the discarded angelic weapons.
  • The scene with Alastor eating a dead deer in his room is based on an early official artwork of him in the same setting.[3]
  • The Overlords become aware that an Exorcist had been killed.
  • This is the first time Alastor and Sir Pentious' rooms are shown.
  • Vaggie apparently learned how to trust through combat in battle.
  • Despite also being present at the meeting, it is unknown if Carmilla's daughters are also considered Overlords.
  • Velvette's nickname of "Babydoll" by Valentino was first shown in the Voxtagram posts between the two in real-life over on Instagram.
  • The "Severed Exorcist Head" Velvette shows during the meeting is listed as one of the official trading cards that can be collected in the packs sold by Amazon.[4]
  • The line about killing mother bugs was not something in the script and instead was improv by Kimiko Glenn.[5]

Cultural References[]

  • The Egg Bois eagerly following Alastor around and treating him as a surrogate boss may be a reference to the Minions from the Despicable Me franchise wherein the Minions' lifelong goal was to serve under any ruler they deem powerful and evil enough.
  • The episode title, Scrambled Eggs, refers to one of the several types of cooking methods for eggs, referencing the Egg Boiz in this episode.
  • In Sir Pentious' room there was a giant heat lamp above his bed, referencing how snakes enjoy the heat.
  • During the Respectless sequence, Velvette's line about not wanting to "swipe right" is a reference to real-life dating apps where a user would swipe right to like or accept someone.
    • One of the pop up advertisements during Velvette's part of the sequence also shows the Vees as different types of ice cream desserts. Aside from Vox being a generic popsicle, the Bubble O' Val is a spoof on Bubble O' Bill while the Velvetto is a spoof on Perfetto.
  • One of the demons that cozies up to Charlie in the BDSM club is a reference to the real-life mythological figure, Medusa.


  • Angel's joke about liking popsicles may be a nod to the fact that he was eating one throughout some of the second half of the pilot.
  • The Overlords having the capability to own the souls of other demons is first foreshadowed in this episode and later touched upon further in "Masquerade" and "Dad Beat Dad", respectively.
  • The severed head belonging to the deceased Exorcist found in the first episode is revealed to have been collected by the Vees.
  • It is revealed that it has been a week since the events of the previous episode.


  • When Carmilla is first mentioned by name, her name is instead listed as "Carmella" in the closed captions.
  • After Velvette's song, all the blood from the severed exorcist's head disappears from the table.
  • For reasons unknown, the Amazon x-ray (which retrieves its information from IMDb) had actor Jason Statham listed in place of James Monroe Iglehart as Zestial. The error would later be fixed to list James as Zestial.
  • Despite being against Angel partaking in turf wars as it could "ruin the hotel's reputation" as revealed in the pilot, Vaggie forces Angel as well, as the rest of the gang, into an ongoing turf war.


View the episode's transcript here.



