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Hazbin Hotel Wiki
Hazbin Hotel Wiki

This is a transcribed copy of "Seeing Stars". Feel free to edit or add to this page, as long as the information comes directly from the episode.

[The scene opens with a shot of a galaxy, with Stolas narrating over it.]

Stolas: In the great expanse of the nether, there exists boundless amounts of magnificent phenomenon. The great brilliance of an exploding star, the nimble dance of space dust through a nebula. But once every one thousand years, our corner of reality is treated to an incredible sight. From the deep eldritch recesses of the cosmos, the tears of a forgotten colossus begin to fall.

Stolas: Tears made of the hopes and dreams of every living thing that never came to be. Condensed and sent shooting across the night sky in a dazzling final display. What appears to mortal beings as a meteor shower, we can see for what it is: Azathoth's Tears.

Octavia (Young): *Giggles* Daddy, can we go see it someday?

Stolas: Yes, dear. I promise, when the day comes nothing will be able to keep me from being there with you. Good night, my Owlette.

Octavia (Young): *Yawns* Good night!

[She turns and wiggles and giggles in her bed.]

[Scene shifts to present Octavia, still looking happy; she's circling a drawing on a calendar of her face, Stolas' face, and a meteor shower. The starfall is "today". She hops down a hallway putting on her boot.]

Octavia: Hey, dad!

[She looks in her kitchen and around the manor, but he isn't there.]

Octavia: Dad? Dad?

[She sees an open foyer door, we hear Stolas' voice coming through it.]

Stolas: Yes, I know!

[The scene jumps to Stolas out front on the phone with Stella, squeezing a servant in his other hand. Imps are loading items into a van.]

Stolas: It will be there, shortly.

Stolas: Of course they're being careful!

Octavia: Dad, what's going on?

Stolas: Apparently, your mother can't exist somewhere for two minutes without the entirety of her possessions--

[Stella is yelling something incomprehensibly in response through the phone as he speaks.]

Stolas: What? No! I'm not turning her against you-- Yes, Stella!

Stella: *through the phone* --never have to see your fucking face again!

Octavia: Dad?

Stella: *through the phone* Everyone-

[She continues to yell incomprehensibly.]

Octavia: This is going to be done before tonight, right?

Stolas: What? Oh. I hardly think so. Knowing your mother, this will take all weekend. *turns to the imps loading the car* Don't be gentle about it, now! Break whatever you have to to get it all in there.

Stella: *through the phone* What?! What did you just tell them to do?!

Octavia: But, tonight was supposed to-

Stolas: Darling, can we not talk about this now? Your mother's being a real B-I-T-C-H.

Stella: *through the phone* The fuck do you mean-

[More incomprehensible yelling is heard from Stella's end.]

Stolas: Well, how was I supposed to know you can spell?! I've never seen you read!

Stella: *through the phone* I'm going to take everything! Everything you own!

[Out of frustration, Octavia slams the door and yells she rips up the calendar page, angrily topples her telescope over, and grabs a bag with her things and leaves the mansion.]

[The scene zooms in on her circled date and then cuts to another calendar with a circled date of the 20th with the words "Have The Talk" in the background you can see the words "Have the talk" scribbled out on the 11th, 12th, 15th, 18th, and 19th.]

[The 13th has a drawing of a horse and is labeled "Riding Lessons" and the 14th has a drawing of the moon, a squirting dick, and is labeled as "Stolas??". There's a sound of crashing and the calendar zooms out, showing that it is Verosika-themed, with a post-it note of a drawing of Blitzo's face slapped over hers. It zooms further out as knives fly past the screen and Blitzo looking nervous.]

Blitzo: Loona, honey, wait just a-- shit!

[He runs backwards as Loona runs forwards looking pissed.] 

Blitzo: Loonie, please, can we talk--

[The office's empty water dispenser is thrown his way and hits him in the face.]

Blitzo: FUCK! Uh, I mean, wow! Good throw, honey! I-I'm so proud of youuuuu!

[Loona pounces and tackles him off camera.]

[Loona grabs a picture off the wall and begins beating Blitzo with it while Millie walks past to the couch where Moxxie is sitting. She joins him on it and they drink coffee together from their matching mugs.]

Millie: What's this all about, honey?

Moxxie: Ah, oh! Blitzo finally talked to her about her attitude with clients.

[Blitzo grabs the couch they're sitting on and pulls it forwards, jumping and hiding behind it.]

Loona: *Growls*

Blitzo: I just think some small tweaks might help you be more of a uh, people person, you know?

Loona: I am a people person!

[She reaches forwards, grabs Blitzo by the collar and pulls him close.]

Loona: If I'm so terrible, how about you just grow a pair and replace me?

Blitzo: Okay, well, maybe I- Maybe I might.

Loona: What?

[Blitzo looks back at Moxxie who gives him a thumbs up, turns back to Loona.]

Blitzo: Maybe I will, little missy! Yeah, that's right it's tough love time. So, now you can... go... to your desk!

[Loona growls and drops him before heading back to her desk.]

[Octavia opens the door and wraps her hair around her neck like a scarf disguise. No one notices her entering.]

Moxxie: Sir, if I may say so; you're doing the right thing. If we can't even hire a cheerful qualified receptionist, how can people trust us to massacre and mutilate their enemies for them? It's good for business.

[Octavia halts before Loona spots her sneaking in, but she doesn't react to her. Octavia makes it into Blitzo's office and starts rummaging around in his desk to no avail. She turns behind her to a framed portrait of IMP all together and moves it to reveal a wall safe covered in spider webs and labeled "Blitzo's stuf Do Nut Steel!!" with a drawing of two horses. She enters a code of 1-2-3-4 and the safe opens. She grabs her father's grimoire out of the safe and flips through the pages.]

Octavia: Take me to see the stars.

[A pentagram swirls around her and black swirls of power stream towards the ceiling. The light show coming from his boss' office catches Moxxie's attention.]

Moxxie: Um, sir?

Blitzo: *cucumber slices fall off his eyes* The fuck?

[I.M.P squeezes through the door as one weapons drawn, just in time to see Octavia disappearing through the portal.]

Blitzo: *raises voice* ...Looona!

Loona: *Off-screen, nonchalantly* Oh, yeah. You have a visitor.

[Octavia slowly blinks her eyes open.]

Octavia: Where am I?

[The scene opens on a blank Hollywood star as a hobo offscreen vomits onto it, causing Octavia slides backwards and yelps. The dead body of Brennon Ragers with an eyeball coming out of his head lies underneath Octavia, who accidentally crushed him after falling on him from the portal. The grimoire sits next to him. Octavia looks up and the portal closes. She then runs off with the grimoire.]

Octavia: Woah!

Clown: This is my territory, bitch! Take your shitty costume and get the fuck off my corner! *pushes Octavia*

[Octavia grabs her things and runs across a cross walk while cars swerve and almost hit her. She runs into a protest mob. They're holding signs that say, "demons walk among us", "God hates you personally", and "<-- To Hell".]

[She dodges away from them and almost into a gleaming golden statue of a man smiling with his hand out. Octavia falls to the ground as two ladies see her and look shocked. Octavia looks frightened as she grabs the grimoire and scrambles into an alley way. She sits with her knees to her chest breathing heavily like a panic attack. The scene cuts to Blitzo also panicking.]

Blitzo: Shit, shit, shit, shit! *grabs Moxxie* What the fuck am I supposed to tell Stolas?!

Moxxie: Well, he seems to like you, sir. Maybe he would understand if -- *gets shoved away by Blitzo*

Blitzo: Okay, my dick is good, but it is not that good, Moxxie.

Moxxie: Sir, I don't think we really have a choice.

Blitzo: So, what? You just want me to call him up and be like, "Hey, Stolas" -

[Jump cut to Blitzo actually on the phone.]

Blitzo: So, your daughter came by, took your book, and teleported off to who the fuck knows where, and we have no way of getting either of them back, okay?! Okay! Good talk, byeee!

[He looks progressively more worried as he speaks and quickly puts the phone down when he's done, backing away slightly.]

Blitzo: Oh, that actually went better than I thought.

[The door blows up and Stolas stands inside in his full demon form.]

Stolas: *demonically* BLITZO!

[Cut back to Octavia exploring. She is trying to talk to people on the street, who are ignoring her.]

Octavia: Hey, do y- Can you help - h-how do I get ah - I - excuse me, I just need to know where I can... *sighs* see the stars. *groans and rubs at her eye, pulling her beanie over her face*

[A pamphlet flies into Octavia's face it says "bus tours" on the back and on the inside center panel "Star * Struck Tourz" and in the bottom left hand corner "Stalk your fave celeb!"]

Octavia: *crumples the flyer close in a hug* Yes!

[She expands it back out and runs to hop a seat on the Starstruck Tourz bus.]

[Stolas paces in front of Moxxie, Millie, and Blitzo.]

Stolas: How could this happen?! Do you just let anyone waltz into your office and grab infinitely powerful artifacts?! *clutches at his hat worriedly* Why would she do this? How are we supposed to find her? Where would she go?

[Loona sniffs the air.]

Loona: Well, it reeks of urine and desperation so... *sniffs again* Ugh... L.A.

[Everyone goes from worried to turning and looking at Loona surprised.]

Loona: What?

[Cut to Loona being shoved through a portal that the rest of IMP and Stolas walks through.]

Blitzo: Alright, Loona, let's make this quick. In and out before anyone notices us here.

[Sounds of gunfire and screaming as Blitzo looks around the alley way that they've portaled into.]

Blitzo: Oh. This doesn't look much different from Hell. *brushes off his front* Alright, now let's get to work. Loonie, sniff!

Loona: *removes an empty can from her hair* How am I supposed to smell anything in this city?

Moxxie: Can't you even do one thing right?

Loona: *smugly* Can't you finally do something about how fat you are?

Moxxie: I'm not --

Blitzo: *also smugly* You know, it wouldn't kill you to put a salad in your body every now and then.

Moxxie: What? But, I'm not fat!

[Blitzo jumps up on a dumpster and tapes a picture to the open lid. It has drawings of IMP with Loona in her human disguise plus stolas and a fake mustache.]

Blitzo: Now, first things first we're gonna do this the old-fashioned way *points at his drawing* We're gonna need disguises.

[Loona and Stolas get a dual transformation sequence into human disguises.]

[Millie claps in amazement while Moxxie look unimpressed. Blitzo eyes widen and blushes seeing Stolas's human disguise. In the background next to him is a poster that reads "Public Health WARNING: New study finds LA water to be 2% sewer overflow and 98% literal acid. 'NO, OBVIOUSLY DON'T DRINK THAT SHIT!!' Top Scientists Say."]

Blitzo: No chance you can conjure us a couple of those, can ya?

Stolas: Sadly, no. I'm afraid without my grimoire, my powers are just a tad limited in the human world.

Blitzo: What, you can't memorize your fucking spells?

Stolas: *annoyed* Oh, your memory's so great? *gestures to Moxxie* What's his phone number?

Blitzo: *defeatedly* Fuck you.

Stolas: *smugly* Exactly.

[They walk out of the alleyway and Stolas grabs a pair of red-tinted sunglasses which he puts on his head where his second pair of eyes would be in his normal form. Moxxie runs face first into a human.]

Music Dude: Hey, little man. How about you check out *pulls CD out of jacket* this demo right here? This is some premium Grade-A fire right here! Perfect for you to crank with the little lady.

[He grabs Millie and pulls her close to her obvious displeasure.]

Moxxie: Oh, wow! You made this? Thank you.

[He and Millie walk away as the dude follows and stops them.]

Music Dude: Oh, hey, hey, hey. Hold up a sec, you just gonna grab it and go?

Millie: *annoyed* He said, "thank you".

Music Dude: *puts a hand in her face* Twenty bucks, man.

Moxxie: *grabs Millie's face, desperately* Millie, we need money to pay this talented artist!

[Millie watches as the rest of their group walks past the corner without them.]

Millie: You can just give it back, Mox.

[Moxxie gasps and grabs the sides of his face, he jumps behind a tree crouching and holding the CD close.]

Moxxie: Millie! These artists put their heart and soul into their work! I can't just give it back like it's worthless!

[He hisses and swipes at a squirrel that was sniffing at him while holding the CD close.]

Millie: It probably is.

[A woman walks past and flips a coin to Moxxie.]

Woman: Sick demon costume, man!

[Moxxie stares at the coin he's received.]

Woman: It's metal as fuck!

[Moxxie stands up and flips the coin before accidentally dropping it. He chases after it, collects it, and flips it again catching it correctly this time.]

Moxxie: I have an ide- Oh, woah! Hey, hey, hey, hey, come back here! *grunt of effort* I have an idea!

[The coin has an eagle in the center. On the top, it says USA on the bottom it says 2021.]

[Switch back to Octavia. The bus stops and she groans.]

Tour Guide: And to your left, you'll see the home of one of those influencers who thinks they're hot shit cause now they do TV shows.

[A woman and her kid hop into a limo while a man lays prostrated on the ground crying and begging, the limo drives away and he stands up and begins kissing the man standing nearby wearing a pink bathrobe.]

[Octavia groans and turns away pulling her beanie down over her eyes.]

[Scene cut to a door opening at a store labeled "Little costume shop of horrors". A torso animatronic with an eye falling out cackles. Blitzo walks through the door dressed in a pink shirt, blue jeans, and wig. His horns have been covered with frankly gigantic ears. Stolas looks up at him as Blitzo gestures to himself.]

Blitzo: So?

[A woman screams excitedly.]

Woman #2: Look, everyone! It's Holly's Wood star, Brennon Ragers!

Blitzo: The fuck is a Brendon Rager - Oh.

[He looks up and sees a billboard for "Sweetie! I'm In the House!! Guest Starring Brennon Ragers". The man on the poster is the one Octavia accidentally killed by landing on earlier.]

Stolas: *looking up at the billboard, eyes widen* Oh, dear.

[A crowd immediately mobs Blitzo, taking pictures and begging for things while Blitzo tries to escape.]

Blitzo: *shouting* Millie, where are you and your whore bag husband?!

[Cut to Millie and Moxxie singing "Til the Day We Die"; a couple and other passersby stand together witnessing the demon couple's performance, as the Music Dude who gave Moxxie the $20 CD looks miffed. One street performer takes off a mask resembling a dinosaur Elmo from Sesame Street.]

Moxxie and Millie: ♫ You're my lovely little monster, and I'll never say goodbye. I will kill for you, until the day we die. ♫

[The crowd cheers throwing roses and money Moxxie's way while he bows. He points to the money earned to Millie looking excited. She looks less than impressed. He gives the money to the Music Dude.]

Moxxie: And, here you are, my fellow Troubadour.

Music Dude: *snatches the mug full of coins, annoyed* Whatever, man. Get the fuck outta here, you're cramping my business.

Millie: Come on, babe! We have to catch up to Blitzo before -

[She turns and runs face first into a mural.]

Art Salesman: Ayyy, wanna buy some art?

Moxxie: *excitedly, picks up a flyer* Wha? YES!

[The stall he is holding a picture that says "believe" on it. There are three key chains displayed: a palm tree head on a figure wearing a bikini, a wolf wearing boxers with hearts either over or as its nipples, and a Verosika Mayday in her human form holding a microphone, smiling and looks happy. Millie facepalms at Moxxie's response.]

[Cut back to the piling crowd surrounding Blitzo.]

Blitzo: *shouting* I'm taking this out of their pay!

[A truck is seen with agents jumping out to break the commotion. A man is seen blowing his whistle with a diploma in his hands, and Blitzo is finally let go. A producer approaches him.]

Producer: *holding a bag of fruit snacks* Mr. Ragers, we've been looking for you everywhere. You were supposed to be on set an hour ago!

Blitzo: The fuck are you talking about?

Producer: Your guest spot on... *eats a fruit snack* "Sweetie! I'm in the House!!"

[An ad pops up, resembling the same design of the billboard, and briefly disappears.]

Producer: We're taping tonight. Now, hurry up and get in the car!

Blitzo: Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no! I'm not going anywhere with you, jizz-biscuit! *flips him off*

Producer: Very funny, Mr. Ragers. Now, get in the car. *tries to lure him with a fruit snack* Come on, boy, come on.

Blitzo: Get your fucking hands off me!

[Blitzo breaks free from the guard as briefly as he is caught again.]

Blitzo: Loona! Stolas! A little help, here?!

[Blitzo's fake ears fall out, as a man who drops his baby catches the fake ears. This leads the crowd to have an altercation, fighting over the ears. Stolas tries to get through.]

Stolas: E-excuse me, sir. I'm… *fixes hair nervously* Mr. Ragers' agent, and I don't believe you can just--

[An agent behind Stolas cracks his neck, and grabs him from behind.]

Stolas: Oh! You are strong!

[Blitzo and Stolas are thrown in the back of the car. Blitzo growls his way back out, but the doors close before he can escape.]

Stolas: Blitzo, we don't have time for this. Via could be anywhere. She could be in danger.

Blitzo: Don't worry, I'm on it.

[Blitzo breaks the windows with his horns, and spots Loona punching the people in the crowd.]

Blitzo: Loonie, go find Via! We'll catch up soon!

[Loona flips him off.]

Blitzo: *proudly* Yeah! Way to be a team player, sweetie!

Blitzo: *turns to Stolas* She's in great hands.

[Cut to the bus, people walking out of it. The camera pans up to an annoyed Octavia ripping the pamphlet in half. She proceeds to walk away from the group, not noticing a crime scene, walking above a corpse. She then stops when she comes across a sign titled, "Star Owl: Souvenir Shop."]

[She takes pictures of the sign, proceeds to walk but slowly stops when she takes a look at what's inside the shop itself, zooming into a box that says "Starstruck" on it.]

[Cut to a building entitled "Starstruck Studios". One Agent has Stolas sling over his shoulder while other agents are seen carrying a resisting Blitzo, doing everything in his power to try and escape, but to no avail. With the paparazzi around him, he is then thrown to a chair in a makeup room.]

Producer: Let's get him ready! He's on in five!

Blitzo: What? "Five" what? I-I can't be on a sitcom!

[Blitzo is then smacked in the face with a powder pad, as the smoke transitions to backstage, with Stolas beside him holding water bottles.]

Producer: Should've had an ego crisis before signing the contract.

Blitzo: I-I-I… Whoa-, I don't even know the fucking lines, idiot!

Producer: Well, that's why God invented teleprompters!

[The scene shifts to an actress smoking a cigarette, a child actress snorting cocaine, and a guy on a teleprompter that says "GOD KILL ME PLS", before breaking down and electrocuting the guy on top of it.]

Stolas: Shouldn't he rehearse, or something?

Producer: No can do, we're live in 10, 9--

[As the producer walks out the stage, Blitzo begins to hyperventilate.]

Blitzo: Oh, shit! Oh, shit! Oh, shit! Oh, shit! I-I... I can't do this. No, not again. I-I haven't performed since--

Stolas: *approaches Blitzo* Blitzo, if your performance on stage is half as good as it is in bed, you'll leave them breathless.

[Stolas strokes Blitzo's face as a nervous Blitzo gulps to the sound of that.]

Stolas: Now, hurry up and wow them, so we can get back to finding Via.

[Stolas pushes Blitzo onto the set where the lights have yet to be turned on.]

Stolas: Break a leg, darling!

[He quickly closes the door, and the lights go on faster than Blitzo can respond. He then looks towards the studio audience.]

Producer: *off-screen* Action!

[The scene zooms out to the studio audience observing, as theme music plays. Zooming back in towards an actor on the couch.]

Male Actor: Well, if it isn't our neighbor, Ronnie. You feel that earthquake earlier?

[Blitzo looks towards the stage crew looking just as distressed as he is.]

Stolas: *whispering* Say something...

[The teleprompter appears with Blitzo's lines, with the latter sweating profusely attempting to play along.]

Blitzo: Oh, yeah? Yeah. "That was just my wife rolling out of bed."

[Stolas looks nervously to the audience, unresponsive at first, but laughing instantly. Blitzo then smiles to their reaction, not noticing the signs indicating people to laugh with a bit of static.]

Blitzo: Yeah, yeah! *more enthusiastically* Yeah, and then that BITCH hit her head on the way down and shattered her skull!

[The signs do not change, as they still say "Laugh", but no one is laughing, except for Stolas, finding this humorous.]

Blitzo: There's blood everywhere... pee in her pants...

[Stolas continues to laugh in hoots, the audience looks up at the signs, which say, "Srsly, laugh anyway", and the audience proceeds to laugh to this as well. Blitzo, becoming less nervous, winks at Stolas, who blushes immensely and chugs a bottle of acid water.]

[Transition to Loona sipping coffee and opening up her phone to "Sinstagram". As she walks around the city with "I Like It" playing on her phone, she stops when she spots the Star Owl: Souvenir Shop sign on the wall. She admires this, and takes a selfie with it to post on her Sinstagram.]

[After posting the photo and scrolling down her feed, she notices a post from Octavia at the same location. Taken aback by this, she spits out her coffee, and then looks at Octavia's profile, with some of her recent posts being pictures she took throughout the city.]

[One post shows a castle she was nearby, with the caption reading "Found a cool looking castle, reminds me of home..." which was shown to have been posted two minutes ago when Loona first saw it. As Loona observes, that same castle from the post is right behind her. Looking at the castle, and the coffee, she crushes the latter and runs towards the castle. The coffee spills and gets stepped on, as the scene transitions to the castle from the post.]

[Loona looks around trying to find Octavia, but her phone goes off again, revealing another post from Octavia depicting where she is at, but no sign of her in real life. Another post, where she's seen in front of the Holly's Wood sign, Loona is right in front of it, and when she believes she found Octavia, she mistakes her for a human that looks like her from behind.]

[The montage continues as Loona scrolls through her phone to multiple places that Octavia has been in, with the background changing to its exact location, but every attempt proves futile with Octavia nowhere to be found. Loona sweats for a while, but still keeps searching. She approaches the observatory in front of her.]

[The scene transitions to the same observatory seen in a newspaper from an audience member. Back at Starstruck Studios, the audience is seen looking either visibly bored, or mentally scarred. Stolas is also looking troubled.]

Blitzo: Oh, Uggie! You've gone and done it again.

[Cut to a pug who seems to have urinated on the set's couch.]

Blitzo: *enthusiastically* That's the fifth couch this year!

[The scene pans up to the screens, still advising the audience to laugh, who struggle to do so. One audience member laughs out of insanity, and then passes out while foaming at the mouth.]

Blitzo: You know, maybe it's about time I found *boops Uggie on the nose* you a new home, one that could put up with your attitude.

[As Blitzo takes out a leash, the other actors appear on set.]

Child Actor: I could take him, Mr. Ronnie! I'd be happy to adopt old Uggie and give him the attention he needs!

[As the family comes together, the spotlight centers only them, with cute animals surronding them. The crowd responds with an "Awww", as Blitzo faces away from them.]

Blitzo: Yeah... yeah, m-maybe, you should adopt...

[Looking at Uggie, the scene pans to a flashback from several years prior, Blitzo looking in a cell with a bunch of hounds, the one in the center resembling Uggie.]

Blitzo: Aww, they're all so cute. And they're.... sad.

[Blitzo is seen at a Hellhound adoption center.]

Adoption Center Lady: Maybe you could adopt this one here. Quite a strong lad, he'll be perfect for whatever work you want to use him for.

[Blitzo sets his sight on the dog he's recommended, but his look of excitement turns into disgust after seeing the hound's face.]

Blitzo: Ugh! No, I'm not looking for no ugly wonker, heh. I need something that's more family-friendly,

Adoption Center Lady: *still deadpan* A gift for the wife, huh? No problem. We have a nice selection of other hounds.

[As the two continue to walk, Blitzo stops for a moment at the cell in front of him.]

Blitzo: *pointing* Who's that?

[The scene pans to a angry teenage Loona texting on her phone with a younger vicious hound holding a bat full of bloody nails, wanting Loona's phone.]

Adoption Center Lady: Oh, her? That's just Loona. What a nightmare.

[The younger hound is thrown against the cell bars. Loona pants furiously then crawls back in her space.]

Adoption Center Lady: *off-screen* Serious attitude problems.

[Blitzo observes Loona, as her angry faces turns slowly into sadness.]

Adoption Center Lady: *off-screen* She'll be out of our hair next month when she ages out.

[Loona scoots back over in her bench, holding herself and shedding tears.]

Adoption Center Lady: *off-screen* Good riddance, if you ask me. She'll never amount to anything much.

[The scenes flash between a sad Loona, and a sympathetic Blitzo, until flashing back to the present on set.]

[Blitzo takes the pug to himself and hugs it close.]

Blitzo: No. No, no, no, you can't have her! She's mine, and I love her!

[The signs that say "Laugh" change to "Awww?", as this moves the audience, but confuses Stolas.]

Child Actor: But, Mr. Ronnie, you gotta let me have the puppy. You just gotta!

[Blitzo hisses at her, preventing her from touching Uggie.]

Blitzo: Don't you touch her, you little anal fissure!

[The child actor steps away from the scene as the audience laughs, which offends Blitzo.]

Blitzo: Oh, you think this is funny, assholes?!

[Blitzo points to the child actor, who's trying to walk away from his outburst.]

Blitzo: She's not fit to be a mother! I saw her doing lines of coke in her dressing room!

[Seeing him break character, the producer sends his agents to try and deal with Blitzo.]

Female Actor: Now, uh... Ronnie. I think maybe you should--

[She tries to take Uggie from Blitzo, but he smacks her off of him, as well as the wig on her head.]

Blitzo: NO! You can't have my baby, BITCH!

[As the agents corner Blitzo, he pulls out his pistol against them, with the signs above exclaiming "Oh, shit!"]


[As more people pile on top of Blitzo, he shoots several of them in the head, but is still trapped within the crowd. Stolas tries to approach.]

Stolas: I'm coming, Bliiiitzo! *trips* Excuse me! Would you mind?!

[As Stolas tries to move through the crowd to save Blitzo, he is pushed back. Fed up with this, he grabs his water bottle, and pathetically throws it across. It hits the producer, but as the acid water spills all over him, it burns his skin severely. This causes him to knock down the teleprompter, which then reads "Let it burn" in red, lighting the stage on fire, and puts the lights out for a moment.]

[Stolas gets accidentally pushed back by the crowd, almost falling into one of the raging fires in the studio before Blitzo catches him by the arm.]

Blitzo: *determined* Now, let's go find our daughters.

[Blitzo still has his gun in hand, and his pink shirt is ripped in half. An explosion bursts behind him highlighting his toned figure as Stolas blushes in response once again, before being dragged to the exit.]

[Cut to the scene, burning down as the scene pans up to the smoke coming from the fire. The smoke fades as the scene transitions and pans down to the observatory. Loona is still seen looking around, until she halts at a staircase seeing a crying Octavia by herself. She sees a blue hue next to her, which is seen by Loona reverting back into her normal form.]

Loona: Hey.

[Octavia wipes her tears.]

Octavia: Hey.

Octavia: How did you find me?

Loona: Your Sinstagram. Nice pics by the way.

[Loona pulls out her phone, showing pics that Octavia posted.]

Octavia: Oh, thanks. *sniffles*

Loona: You okay?

Octavia: Can't believe I was so stupid. I spent all day looking for a place where I could see some dumb meteor shower. *crying* And all I get is... *gestures to the smoggy sky* this!

Loona: Yeah, smog's a bitch.

[Loona attempts to light up a cigarette, but no flames comes out. As she tries, Octavia snaps a flame for Loona's cigarette. Loona takes a smoke, as some of it gets in Octavia's face.]

Loona: You know, your dad's really worried about you.

[She sits next to Octavia on the ledge.]

Octavia: *scoffs* Right! That's why you're here instead of him. He couldn't be bothered to keep his promise, and now he can't be bothered to come and get me himself. He'd rather spend his time just screaming at my mum. Why does he hate her more than he loves me? *sniffles*

[A long silence between them until Loona extracts her cigarette and exhales.]

Loona: *sighs* Sometimes... sometimes it's not as simple as that. This kind of shit gets messy, and everybody's got issues, especially dads. And sometimes they fuck up -- well, all the time. But, that doesn't mean they don't care.

Octavia: If he cares, where is he?

Loona: He's somewhere down there.

[The scene pans to the city.]

Octavia: He's here?

Loona: Looking for you. I mean... *smokes her cigarette once more* try to cut your dad some slack.

[Loona continues to light up her lighter, and a flame finally lights up.]

Loona: He may not always get it right, but... he's trying.

[She looks at the lighter and sees the sticker with the I.M.P logo on it, and gives a smile as she look towards Octavia.]

Loona: That's more important than you think.

[Octavia looks at her by surprise, until she notices a light shining on her face, which is seen to be coming from the moon as the smog clears up. As the two stare at the moon, Loona turns off her lighter, and throws away her cigarette. She stands up for a few stretches.]

Loona: You ready to go?

[She extends her hand to Octavia, but instead, she gives her the grimoire.]

Octavia: Yeah.

[Loona gives her hand to Octavia once more, and this time, she is greeted with a hug, which Loona returns the favor. The scene pans out as the two hold hands.]

[Cut to a far perspective of the Starstruck Studios building still burning, while police cars are heard, Blitzo and Stolas are seen walking away. Zooming up to Blitzo's phone on the maps app with a location titled "Not Topic."]

Blitzo: Now, if we could just find where...

[A red portal appears in front of them, where Loona exits.]

Blitzo: Loona!

[With her hand still in the portal, Loona removes herself from it with Octavia still holding her hand.]

Blitzo: Oh, Loona, my sweet baby girl! I'm so sorry, I'll never replace you no matter what you--

[Before he can finish his sentence, Loona furiously kicks him in the groin as he winces in pain.]

Loona: You're good.

[Stolas painfully looks at Blitzo, until he faces Octavia.]

Octavia: Dad... I'm so sorry.

[Stolas runs up to hug her, as he reverts back to his demon form.]

Stolas: I'm just relieved you're okay! But, what would possess you to do such a thing? You know I haven't taught you spells like this yet.

Octavia: I just wanted to see the stars you promised.

Stolas: The stars? *gasps* Azathoth's tears! Oh, no. Oh, my dear sweet Via. I am so--

[Octavia stops him as she hugs him.]

Octavia: I know, dad. It's okay, you're here now.

[Stolas returns the hug to his daughter. Loona watches happily, until she notices Blitzo trying to hug her, and responds with smacking him with the book with a smug but loving face. She then notices a faint glow in the sky. The scene pans out to show several fireworks exploding in the sky. Loona records this on her phone.]

Loona: What the fuck is that?

Blitzo: My acting career.

[Loona gives a loving smile at Blitzo's quip. As the fireworks take off, Stolas and Octavia look up in awe.]

Octavia: *gasps happily* Look at that one! Did you see that one?

Blitzo: Now, where the fuck are M n' M?

[Cut to a closeup of Millie on her phone texting Blitzo. Around the alley that she came from, the portal back to I.M.P Headquarters appears in front of her. Moxxie is then seen carrying a heavy bag full of art paraphernalia.]

Moxxie: Art is heavy!

[Millie enters the portal, and before Moxxie can enter, he is stopped by another music salesman wanting to sell his CD's. Moxxie approaches to pay him for the demo, but Millie throws a knife and kills the salesman before Moxxie can pay him, then grabs the demo and throws it into the street.]

Millie: March, mister!

[Moxxie sadly walks to the portal, but for a short while after, Millie carries him effortlessly into the portal, leaving the trophy bag behind. The full version of "Til the Day We Die" plays during the end credits.]
