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Hazbin Hotel Wiki

This is a transcribed copy of "Sinsmas". Feel free to edit or add to this page, as long as the information comes directly from the episode.

[The episode begins with Stolas waking up in a mountain of horse plushies, much to his surprise. The camera pans around the apartment showing various horse themed objects, even a horse show on TV. The camera goes to Blitzo, who is in the kitchen making breakfast.]

Blitzo: Well, good morning there, Prince Sleeps-A-Lot! *chuckles* D'you sleep well, big bird?

Stolas: *yawns* Best I could, I suppose.

[He looks at a rocking horse who is missing an eye. He then picks up a horse plushie and tosses it aside.]

Stolas: Uhhh... My, Blitzo...hoohoo *chuckles* you sure have a lot of... horses.

[Blitzo smiles in response, and Stolas fully turns to him.]

Stolas: Iiissss there a story behind that?

Blitzo: There is... *darkness reminiscent of flames surround him* But it's way too long, and way too traumatic... *the darkness suddenly disappears* Breakfast'll be ready in a jiff!

[Blitzo smiles and continues making breakfast. Stolas also smiles before frowning, and walks to a cabinet in the bathroom. He opens the cabinet with a horse and a few other objects and tries to reach for something, but it's not there. He looks down at the running sink.]

Stolas: Blitzo? Um... Would you be able to grab some-

[The camera cuts to the kitchen, with Blitzo setting eggs on a plate.]

Blitzo: Grab some what?

[Back inside the bathroom, Stolas, looking sad and in distress, looks from the sink up to his reflection in the mirror. He forces a smile before turning the sink off.]

Stolas: Nevermind!

[Stolas walks out of the bathroom. He then walks over to the table set up by Blitzo, having their breakfast ready, consisting of Pancakes, scrambled eggs and bacon.]

Blitzo: Okay, so, I don't know what you eat, so I just made a little of everything in hopes that something works for ya. Got some eggs, made 'em special!

[Stolas gags in his mouth a bit. Blitzo looks shocked, before looking at the eggs, and back to Stolas, putting together what he did.]

Blitzo: Oh. Oh shit. I'm sorry. Is this- th-that's like cannibalism for you, isn't it?

Stolas: *poking the eggs with his fork* No, just rather off-putting. But it is protein, I suppose. *eats a bite of his eggs*

Blitzo: Uh huh... *takes a bite* So w-wha- what do you normally eat?

Stolas: Normally I dine on a custom diet prepared by my waiting staff; full of essential nutrients and freshly prepared rarities such as roasted vole or... fire koi?

[An intrigued Blitzo simply looks up at Stolas.]

Stolas: A fresh kale salad?

Blitzo: Oh, nice. Anything that I can get that's affordable?

Stolas: Maybe some... rats?

[As soon as Stolas finishes his sentence, Blitzo quickly gets up and puts their breakfast in the sink to wash the dishes.]

Blitzo: On it! I'll grab my stompers and head out to that alley this afternoon!

Stolas: Mm, well, that'd be nice. Rats were always Via's favorite snack.

[Stolas is about to sip his coffee, until he suddenly remembers Octavia.]

Stolas: *gasps* Oh no! Where's your phone?

[The camera cuts to the palace. Octavia's phone is ringing, and she smiles as she attempts to answer it until Stella snatches it away from her.]

Stella: Sorry, sweetie. No talking to that deadbeat. Andrealphus, look who's finally calling!

[Andrealphus, sitting nearby with a book in hand and reading glasses on his face looks up.]

Andrealphus: Oooh! Took him this long? That's hilarious.

[Octavia's phone continues to ring but Stella doesn't even bother to answer it. She, instead continues to gloat with her brother. Octavia sits on the couch, clutching a pillow and frowning.]

Stella: He thinks he's going to talk to his daughter! Hilarious! *laughs*

Andrealphus: Hilarious! *laughs*

Stella: Hilarious!

[The two siblings laugh together. Octavia has her hands on her beanie, becoming more fed up, and gets up from the sofa. She runs past some butlers, who are putting up a poster of Andrealphus over a portrait of Stolas and Octavia, and leaves the room.]

[Cut back to Blitzo's apartment. Blitzo is cleaning a pan while also looking at a desperate Stolas who paces around the room. The line keeps ringing, but no one is answering.]

Stolas: Pick up, pick up, pick up! Via dear, please pick up. Please pick up.

[Stolas sits down on the beanbag and looks at the phone, which is still ringing.]

Stolas: No! No, no, no. Shit.

[Defeated, he bangs the phone on his forehead. Blitzo sets the pan down and rushes over to Stolas to assure him.]

Blitzo: Hey, hey, hey, whoa! Look I'm sure it's gonna be okay, alright? I-I'm sure she's… she's just away from the phone right now, okay? And breathe. It'll be okay.

[Blitzo drags Stolas off the beanbag as the camera transitions to the two in Imp City, beginning a montage of their experiences in the city.]

Song: Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh

You take it day by day

[They walk past booths selling a variety of items and foods, but when Stolas looks at a booth, the imp running the booth looks away from him. Next, in a grocery store, at the register, even more demons in line throw insults at Stolas after he unknowingly cuts in line in front of them. At a laundromat, Blitzo is talking with Stolas before the washer bursts open and floods their surroundings in bubbles, infuriating the demons around them.]

Song: You got everything that you had thought you wanted

But you still feel so blue

[Back at the apartment, on a new day, Stolas wakes up on the couch and goes to the bathroom. Again, he goes through the cabinet and reaches for something, but it's not there. He exits the bathroom and sees Blitzo cooking breakfast who ends up setting the kitchen on fire. At a diner, the two are eating breakfast, but the waitress serving coffee glares at Stolas. She grins and spits on his breakfast. An imp next to their table laughs at the former prince before Blitzo throws Stolas' breakfast at the imp. The waitress charges at Blitzo.]

Song: And you don't know what to do

You're sitting at the end of the rainbow, but the pain grows

And you can't help let the strain show

'Cause what else are you to do?

[At a clothing store named "Frock Off!", Stolas goes through a variety of outfits. Blitzo stands by to make opinions while an imp employee waits patiently. ]

[The camera then cuts to Blitzo trying to catch a rat in an alleyway, but Stolas is distracted with his attempts to call Octavia. Blitzo grabs the phone, and the camera zooms out to reveal Blitzo, in bad shape, with the rat biting his eye, then crawling around his head afterwards, much to Stolas' shock.]

Song: Keep it calm, life goes on, and on, and on

Nothing's wrong, nothing's wrong

So why do I still feel this way?

[Back at the clothing store, Stolas goes through more outfits, Blitzo joining in trying them on at one point. The clothes keep piling on top of the employee. Once he's finished trying the clothes on, Blitzo goes to pay them, but his card is declined, angering the employee cashing him out. Ultimately, Stolas and Blitzo exit the store and run away down the street with their unpaid items, setting off the store’s alarms.]

Song: Ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh

You take it day by day

Stolas: Is this how everyone acts when they don't have money?

Blitzo: Nope, this is how I act when I don't have money!

Song: Ooh

[The scene transitions to Stolas closing the cabinet who is looking at his reflection in the cabinet mirror, ending the montage. Outside, Stolas walks to the couch and falls onto it. He squawks despondently. Just then, Blitzo rises from behind the couch.]

Blitzo: Eyyy, Stolas! Merry Sinsmas!

[Blitzo topples the couch forward, catching Stolas in surprise as he falls onto the ground.]

Stolas: Ahh! What the fuck was that for?!

[Blitzo sits on the back side of the couch and takes out his calendar.]

Blitzo: Uh, it's Sinsmas! You know, the day every Hellborn celebrates and acts on their birth sin? Or any sin, whichever ones they want, honestly!

Stolas: I cannot say I'm familiar with this holiday.

Blitzo: Really? Wow, rich people don't have any fun, do they?

Stolas: No, fun is free, but we can afford nice things.

Blitzo: You know what might help that privileged little attitude? Paperwork!

[Blitzo gets up from the couch and the camera moves to Loona, who is eating dog treats straight from a box.]

Blitzo: Why dontcha come on with me to the office, and help Loony with wi- wh- you know whatever the fuck her job is?

Stolas: Eugh, you have to spend your holiday at work?

Blitzo: I choose to spend my holiday at work! See, last year I set my apartment on fire, so this year we're doing it at the office. It's insured.

[Stolas is visibly annoyed by those words, but walks to the door to join them anyway. The camera pans over to Loona once more, this time stuffing the box of dog treats right in her face. Blitzo grabs her by her tail and drags her as the scene cuts to the their arrival at the office.]

[Blitzo opens the office door and walks in. Stolas enters after him but hits his head on the walls atop the door.]

Stolas: Oof, oh. Son of a bitch.

[Loona enters the office shortly after with bundles of chips covering her face. Moxxie and Millie are already in the office who are playfully fighting each other because of the fact that they are native from the Wrath Ring. Moxxie grabs a bag of chips from Loona to protect himself from getting sliced by Millie's knife.]

Moxxie: Heh, he he!

[Unfortunately, this plan falls short, as Millie catches Moxxie off guard by kicking her leg high up in the air and slices Moxxie's finger.]

Moxxie: Ow! Millie!

[Moxxie smiles and growls as he tries to chop Millie's neck with his right arm. However, Millie stops his arm from hitting her and uses the end of her tail to poke him.]

Moxxie: Ouch! You're good!

[The camera cuts to the kitchen thats well-decorated with wreaths, lights, and tinsel. The door bursts open as Moxxie and Millie continue their fight. Moxxie is knocked into a chair and falls onto the floor, and Millie uses the chair to hit Moxxie. He blocks the chair by opening the refrigerator door and uses a bottle inside the fridge to throw at Millie. As the bottle flies over her, she jumps and uses the lamp above her to lunge herself to the fridge's door.]

Moxxie: *growling* Gna gna gna gna, I'm gonna bite you Millie!

Millie: You always make me watch old musicals when I wanna watch Cleaver Hand 6: Ultimate Cleavage!

[Millie lunges towards her husband and they both open the door to the meeting room. Stolas watches the married couple with a worried look on his face.]

Moxxie: Well you snore all the time!

[He growls once more before Millie kicks him away and pulls out a katana. In return, Moxxie pulls out a minigun.]

Millie: I will wreck you!

Moxxie: Not if I do first!

[Millie leaps onto the table as Moxxie fires at her, both laughing, before Moxxie runs out of ammo. Millie jumps off the table and chases after Moxxie, both playfully hissing at each other then tumbling around together, giggling. M & M rise back up, in each others' embrace. Despite their laughter, Stolas is clearly disturbed with what he saw.]

Millie: *laughs* Happy Sinsmas!

[Millie and Moxxie kiss before Moxxie pulls out a bazooka and blasts Millie out of the building.]

Moxxie: *cheerfully waving* Happy Sinsmas, honey!

[Blitzo enters the staffroom with Loona. Loona sits down beside Stolas while Blitzo brings out a whiteboard.]

Blitzo: Listen up, chuckle-fucks! Today, we got Stolas in the office *Stolas waves politely* So I want each of your red asses on the best behavior possible!

Moxxie: *frowning* Uh, Sir? You are literally the only one who needs to adhere to that.

Blitzo: And that's detention, Mox. Millie, punch him.

[Blitzo flips the board around, revealing Millie. Millie punches Moxxie, then kisses him on the forehead.]

Moxxie: Oof! Aww!

Blitzo: Good, Happy Sinsmas, Mox. Now, Loony, Stolas wants to learn how to secretate, so show him how it's done.

Loona: *sighs* It's literally this: *uses sucker as a phone* Ring, ring. "Hello? I.M.P. Yeah, we can kill that asshole. Wanna schedule an appointment? Thursday cool? See you then, dipshit." Click. It's easy as sin, Blitzo. Can I come with you guys if he's on the phone, today?

Blitzo: I mean, I-I guess?

Loona: *fistpumps* Yes!

[Cut to the front desk. Blitzo moves the phone closer to Stolas and pushes his seat toward the desk while reassuring him.]

Blitzo: See, Stolas? Finally something to help you out, something to do. And I can pay you for it. You could use a little money coming in, right?

Stolas: *confusion* "Money coming in?" *realization hits* Oh lords! I'M POOR NOW!

[Stolas bursts into tears, crying loudly and burying his face onto the desk as I.M.P watches.]

Stolas: Oh-ho-ho-ho Fuck!

[I.M.P cringes, not knowing what to do. Suddenly, the phone rings.]

Blitzo: *gasps* Oh! Answer it, answer it! *Stolas lifts his head up* You can do it, Stolas, come on, answer the phone!

[Stolas hesitates as he reaches for the phone to answer his first customer call. Blitzo stands in front of him, holding flags, in support, next to his coworkers. Stolas tearfully answers the phone. As Stolas takes the call, Blizo is excited for the effort while Loona makes an awkward face.]

Stolas: *choked up* Hello? I.M.P? Yes, we can kill your asshole. Immediately, just bring it here. *crooked smile* Thank you. Good day, Ma'am.

[Stolas hangs up the call and immediately faceplants onto the desk. Blitzo moves closer to the desk to keep reassuring and encouraging him.]

Blitzo: Uhhh... Close enough! *pats Stolas' head* Good job, buddy.

[Suddenly, I.M.P's newest client bursts the door open.]

Karen Client: You said you could kill someone immediately?

[Blitzo grabs Stolas' hand to make hand gestures for him.]

Blitzo: Oh- yeah! Yes, we sure can!

[The Karen client enters the room and drops her purse onto Millie and Moxxie.]

Karen Client: Good. Because it's Christmas.

Blitzo: *slightly annoyed* It's 'Sinsmas', lady, get it right.

[The Karen Client steps around to face Blitzo, her hip checking Loona out of her way, angering her, but walks away. As she continues her rant, she doesn't even stand in her spot for a moment, as she retreats to the couch and lies down, filing her nails.]

Karen Client: I can't stand the idea of my fucking ex-husband enjoying this sacred holiday with my daughters when he fucking left me for another man!

[This story awfully resembles Stolas' situation. He tries to fight back tears, but is failing to do so. Blitzo tries to deflect the client's issue.]

Blitzo: Oh, well, *nervous laugh* Tha-tha-that sounds like something that can happen from time to time.

Karen Client: And he probably CHEATED on me!

[Stolas sinks into his chair as Blitzo nervously chuckles]

Blitzo: Well, that's-

[Stolas screeches tearfully as he falls behind the desk.]

Blitzo: -not really killing someone over though, right? I mean, cheating isn't really that big of a deal anymore, is it?

Karen Client: *sits up* Isn't that what this business does? He doesn't deserve to live that heinous lifestyle and poison my daughters with it!

Blitzo: *awkwardly* Uh huh. Look, I don't think this is a job we want to take on.

[Moxxie leans in as Millie is over him, giving him a noogie. The client's purse is on top of them.]

Moxxie: *surprised confusion* Really?

[Stolas climbs back onto the desk, still filled with sorrow and ready to project his own actions]

Stolas: Why not? Maybe he deserves it. Selfish men like him don't deserve to *gasps then sobbing* to liiiiive!

Blitzo: *trying to reassure Stolas* Eh, no, that's not- Ugh.

[Blitzo turns to talk to the client. As he takes on the job, she smiles evilly.]

Blitzo: Alright fine, we'll do your shitty job, but you're paying us double, bitch.

[Blitzo opens a portal to Earth using the Asmodean Crystal and flips the client off with both hands before entering through. Moxxie, with Millie still on him, leaves next, followed by Loona, who drops an empty bag of chips behind her and flips off the client as well.]

[Cut to the mansion. Octavia walks alone down the hallway until she steps on a dried leaf. Octavia removes one of the ear buds to her phone and looks down a corridor where Stolas' potted plants, once breeming with life, is dead from the cold ice surrounding the house. Octavia then suddenly hears laughter coming from inside a room nearby and investigates it. She peeks inside to see Stella and Andrealphus enjoying a spa day treatment with tea served from the nervous and clearly stressed imp servants. Stella is talking on the phone with someone.]

Stella: *laughing* He's been trying to call her all fucking month and it's hilarious!

[Andrealphus joins in on the laugh as Octavia watches, unseen, before leaving.]

[Inside her room, Octavia picks up her guitar and lies on her bed. She pucks at the strings while looking around at the items in her room: the books about stars, old photos on the wall with her father covered over and a constellation mural on the ceiling. Octavia decides to move to another location.]

[Inside Stolas' closet, Octavia looks around at the items, some of which are packed inside boxes labled "Stolas' Stuff". She finds a picture she drew of herself and her dad as a child, as well as a father's day card and a picture of them with "Star Observation" written beneath it. Stolas has clearly kept a lot of things she had given him throughout her childhood. While it makes her smile, it also make her miss him more. All of these memories motivate Octavia to sit down in the closet and play a song on her guitar.]

Octavia: ♪ Your boxes packed up on the bed ♪

♪ Your words are in my head ♪

[Stolas' hand appears from behind, attempting to reach out to Octavia but stops himself. Octavia turns around and puts the guitar down. She stands out and extends her hand out, lining it up with Stolas' hand.]

♪ Tellin' me that we'll be okay ♪

♪ You'll remember what you said ♪

♪ Or was it just another lie? ♪

[The image of Stolas vanishes. Octavia sighs dejectedly and she drops the picture in her hand. The scene transitions to Octavia wandering in the hallway of the palace. Octavia chases after a silhouette of a bird flying away.]

♪ This place that used to be your home ♪

♪ Would you call me on the phone? ♪

[Octavia runs through a door and appears as herself as a child alone in the dark. The door closes, and she begins to cry.]

♪ Will I hear your voice in the middle of the night ♪

♪ When I turn off the lights? ♪

[Octavia, now back in the present, wipes the tears from her eyes. A light shines behind her and she turns to see the same image of Stolas looking at her from over his shoulder, but his attention is diverted when an image of Blitzo crawls up to him, seductively. Octavia watches with despair.]

♪ Or are you just another ghost? ♪

♪ Ohhhh ♪

[Octavia reaches out for Stolas, but Stolas suddenly takes off. Octavia chases after him again, running into a room and finding him appearing inside her family painting with Blitzo's image again, smiling at her.]

♪ How could you lie to my face? ♪

♪ And did our time mean nothing to you? ♪

[Both images take off out of the room with Octavia running after them again, unable to keep up and falling to the floor. Only then does the image of Stolas stop and turn to her. The image extends his hand to help her up.]

♪ Were you bluffing all along? ♪

♪ That you would be there to see ♪

♪ Yourself forgiven by me ♪

[Octavia angrily slaps Stolas' hand away and stands up on her own. She backs away from Stolas' image as the palace around her crumbles and breaks apart.]

♪ If you thought that I'd take it you were wrong! ♪

♪ Oh you were wrong! ♪

[Another transition turns to shooting stars hitting the ground around Octavia as she walks alone. Some of the stars contain burning photographs of her childhood.]

♪ And when you're gone I will be okay ♪

♪ I will be okay, though I'll never be the same ♪

[Cracks appear from the ground as the Earth breaks apart including globes and books from Stolas' closet. Octavia stands in the middle of the disaster, growing with determination from her heartbreak.]

♪ And I'll know that I was right to doubt you! ♪

♪ I'll grow without you and you'll only know my name ♪

[When the disaster fades, Octavia is left in darkness, save for a bright purple light from a flame dropping down toward her. Octavia reaches out and catches the flame in her hand. The flame reveals the Star Observation photo she had been looking at before but it burns in her hands as she crumples it up and lets it drop to her feet. She walks forward as her footprints light up a path behind her. Octavia stops and looks at the stars around her.]

♪ You always told me I'd be okay ♪

♪ Well I'll be okay, though I'm not okay today ♪

[The scene transitions back to Stolas' closet as Octavia finishes the song. Tears stream down her face, and onto her drawing of her and Stolas.]

♪ But my tears won't fall upon your shoulder ♪

♪ I'll just get older and you'll only know my name ♪

[Octavia stands up and looks around the closet one last time. Before she leaves, she looks at her guitar and places it on a shelf above her before she notices a pill bottle. When she picks it up, she notices that it's Stolas' Happy Pills. She notices a box full of the same bottles behind it. She is surprised by the discovery, and after a moment, she leaves the room with a newfound determination.]

[Cut back to the office. Stolas checks Blitzo's phone and finds no new messages, disappointing him. He turns his attention back to his journal to do some writing but then quickly picks up the phone and refreshes the page. When the phone still shows no new messages, Stolas groans and grows more desperate. The Karen Client is standing up in front of the couch, growing increasingly impatient.]

Karen Client: Ugh! Don't you have any reading material anywhere? Are we just supposed to sit here and wait?

[The Karen Client is trying to get Stolas' attention but Stolas keeps blocking her with Blitzo's phone while waiting for messages.]

Karen Client: How long do they take?

Stolas: They take their time. It's a difficult business, I imagine.

Karen Client: *mocking Stolas* You "imagine", huh? Well, they should hurry up if they expect people to just stick around without anything to do. *Stolas' eye twitches* What a shoddy business operation!

[Nearing his limit, Stolas stands up from his seat.]

Stolas: Ooh! Here's an idea: You could shut the fuck up!

Karen Client: *gasps dramatically then flatly* Rude.

[Blitzo's phone rings. Stolas reacts quickly.]

Stolas: *gasps* Oh, yes-yes-yes-yes! *quickly and eagerly answers call* Hello?

Telemarketer: *on the line* Hey, I'm calling you about your extended warranty on your new Robo Pony 2000-

[And with that, Stolas snaps. Stolas crushes Blitzo's phone with his hand, picks up a stuffed toy and rips it in two, throws the desk tree across the room, pushes the Sinsmas tree over, tosses a couch cushion, and returns to the desk to flip it over, but it doesn't budge.]

Stolas: *muttering while trying to flip desk* Augh! Come on, you suck! You fucking suck! You fucking piece of shit, move you fucking face, you goddamn sucking motherfucker—

[Stolas fails to flip the desk and completely loses it.]


[Stolas still can't move the desk so he picks up his journal and looks at the page he is on, including a drawing.]

Stolas: And I did it for what? These stupid, foolish fantasies?!

[Stolas tosses the book away. The Karen Client, stunned into silence, steps out of the way before it hits the wall and lands onto the couch. Stolas rushes for the door to the office and opens it.]

Stolas: I can't stand it any longer! I don't care what they fucking do! I'M SEEING OCTAVIA!

[Stolas leaves, slamming the door behind him. The Karen Client picks up Stolas' journal and sits back down on the couch, preparing to read it.]

Karen Client: I guess it's something to read.

[The camera cuts to I.M.P's destination at Earth. The destination is a neighborhood, and it's snowing at night. A girl is facing the portal before leaving once it fully opens. Blitzo enters, followed by Moxxie happily taking Millie's hand to bring her through. The trio shiver upon feeling the freezing temperatures as Loona goes through the portal.]

Blitzo: Ahhh, it is cold as shit! What is this?

Millie: Do humans have Sinsmas too?

Moxxie: I-I don't think so. This seems to be something else.

[Loona is observing a santa decoration. Millie looks at a child angel decoration before suddenly barfing.]

Moxxie: You okay, babe?

Millie: Oh, yeah! *coughs* Must just be the cold.

[Blitzo puts his hand on Millie's shoulder before turning her around to face the target's house.]

Blitzo: Okay, let's just hurry up and kill this son of a bitch so we can get the fuck back home.

[Blitzo runs towards the house and rolls on the snow before stopping at the window. Blitzo takes his gun out, but lowers it to look at the scene before him. Moxxie appears next to him, and also looks through the window to see the happy family. One of the daughters put a santa hat on her dad's head, while the other daughter gives her other dad a gift. The two dads share a kiss, displaying a warm and wholesome scene of the family. Blitzo shivers and hesitates with the hit.]

Moxxie: Sir? This may be out of turn… But I feel like this one isn't worth the money.

[Loona and Millie walk up behind the two. Loona tosses the santa decoration into the snow.]

Millie: What?

Moxxie: I don't think I wanna be part of this one, sir.

[Loona brings the crew together. Millie is still shivering while Blitzo silently contemplates what to do.]

Loona: You okay, dad?

[Blitzo turns to face his daughter, and she assures him.]

Loona: I can handle this one. You know, if you're not up for it.

Blitzo: Really?

[Loona smiles and nods. Blitzo turns back to the happy family. It turns out Blitzo is imagining him, Loona, Stolas, and Octavia in the same position. He is holding a big present, and Stolas and Octavia warmly smile together. The present Blitzo was holding is a horse, which elates him. He hugs and brings his family closer together.]

Blitzo: Nah, fuck this. We're going home.

[Blitzo stands up and walks away from the house. Loona follows him, but Moxxie stays with Millie as she protests to the decision.]

Millie: What? Didn't he cheat or s-s-something? Come on, this is fun! We've done this kind of t-t-thing before.

Blitzo: Just… not this one, Mils. Not today.

[Blitzo rubs his Asmodean Crystal to activate the portal. Loona and Moxxie walk towards the portal, but Millie stands in her spot before moving back to the house.]

Millie: I can do this one, I can do this!

[Blitzo stops her in her tracks before going through the portal.]

Blitzo: Millie!

[Moxxie looks at her, and puts a hand on her shoulder to soothe her. However, Millie is outraged by this decision.]

Moxxie: We'll do it next time! It's just not worth it.

Millie: Don't start, Moxxie! Just because you aren't demon enough to do this job, doesn't mean…

[Before Millie can finish, Moxxie looks down, dejected, making Millie snap out from her anger.]

Millie: I'm sorry.

Moxxie: Sweetie, I know it's Sinsmas and it's in the spirit of Wrath… But are you okay?

Millie: I'm fine, I don't… know what's gotten into me today.

[Moxxie kisses her forehead and pulls her into a hug.]

Moxxie: It's okay. I'm here for you.

[With that, they both go through the portal, closing it. Back in the office, Blitzo is still shivering as the Karen Client continues to read Stolas' journal.]

Blitzo: Wow! I never wanna go anywhere cold again.

[Blitzo notices Stolas is nowhere to be seen, before turning to the Karen Client.]

Blitzo: Uhh. Stolas?

Karen Client: He's gone! And he left this terribly sinful erotic novel behind. Can you believe this trash? *tosses the journal away* Didn't make me wet at all.

[Blitzo frowns at her statement. In response, the camera cuts to outside of the building, and Blitzo throws her out of the window. She screams as she falls, and Blitzo waves at her with Stolas' journal.]

Blitzo: Wow, I feel lighter!

[Just then, Octavia enters the office.]

Octavia: Dad?

Blitzo: Octavia? Wh-what are you doing here?

Octavia: I came to give these back to my dad, where the fuck is he?

Blitzo: I swear, he was just right here.

Octavia: Ugh, where would he go?

[Blitzo thinks for a moment, and figures out where he might've went.]

Blitzo: I think I know.

[Stolas approaches his palace, now covered with patches of ice. He looks around at the ice sculptures of Andrealphus as he reaches the front steps. As he ascends, the stairs ice covers the ground. The ice rises into a wall, blocking Stolas' path and sending him sliding back to the ground.]

Stolas: Ugh, fucking Ice Queen. *rolls eyes* How extra can you get?

Andrealphus: Oh, this is just sad, Stolas.

[Stolas frowns as Andrealphus stands behind him. Stolas stands up and turns to face Andrealphus.]

Stolas: Let me see my daughter this instant!

[Andrealphus chuckles vindictively as he passes by Stolas, taking the opportunity to gloat. Stolas follows Andrealphus' movements with hatred in his eyes.]

Andrealphus: I imagine this is rather hard for you, Stolas. Aww, poor thing. All alone now without your lovely plants, your lovely stars, or your lovely, little daughter. Everything you are now--

[Stolas suddenly punches Andrealphus right in his face. Andrealphus is stunned by the action and has started to bleed. Stolas then tackles Andrealphus to the ground and starts pummeling him with more punches followed by a few stomps from his feet as the Marquis shrieks and groans with pain. After a moment, Stolas stands up, picks up a large ice sculpture of Andrealphus and hits him with it, causing it to break. Stolas is about to punch him again but Andrealphus raises his hand and stops him with his powers. Stolas is pushed away by the icy winds. Andrealphus' crown flies up from the ground and lands back on his head as he levitates and flares his tail feathers. His tail feathers transform into icicle blades and reach out to grab ahold of each of Stolas' limbs, raising him up and pulling him closer to him. The remaining feathers turin into icicle spears, aimed directly at him.]

Andrealphus: Goetia be damned, you are dead for that!

Stolas: *unwavered* Do it... Pussy.

[Andrealphus' icicle spears inch closer to Stolas' face.]

Andrealphus: I will enjoy this.

Blitzo: Hey Elsa!

[Andrealphus turns his attention to the sound and is hit in the face with a snowball. I.M.P has arrived at the palace.]

Blitzo: Get your icy hands off my bottom, bitch!

Andrealphus: *laughs* The imp? *darkly amused* The imp is challenging me-

[Blitzo throws another snowball, hitting Andrealphus in the face. Andrealphus is no longer amused, he is pissed.]

Blitzo: Scatter!

[The crew split off into different directions. Loona tries to leap up and grab Stolas but Andrealphus moves him away from her reach. Moxxie grabs Millie by both hands, flips over and launches her into the air. Millie flies toward Andrealphus, but before she can strike, Andrealphus has her swatted down by an icicle blade.]

Moxxie: Millie!

[Moxxie runs toward Millie as she falls toward the palace.]

Blitzo: Loona! Launch me!

[Loona runs over, picks up Blitzo and throws him into the air. Blitzo screams then grabs onto the ice.]

Blitzo: Ahhh, ha-ha!

[Blitzo runs up the icicles toward Stolas. Andrealphus takes notice and uses his powers to thicken the ice, sending it up and toward Stolas. The thickened ice makes it slightly easier for Blitzo to run on but just before he reaches Stolas, Blitzo slides back down, getting caught in Andrealphus' grasp. Loona sees her father in danger and begins a new transformation. She growls as her limbs grow bigger with more fur and reveals a new set of small eyes.]

Andrealphus: You little insects really think you can do anything to me? A Marquis of Hell? You are delusional!

Blitzo: Eeehhh! Try again, bitch! I've been called so much worse!

Andrealphus: *Censored Profanity* !#@%

[Blitzo is stunned by that insult.]

Andrealphus: It'll be rather amusing to squash you all.

[Andrealphus hears a howl from above. He looks up and sees Loona, in her full demonic form, heading toward him. Loona bites Andrealphus by the neck, causing him to drop Blitzo and focus on his bleeding. As Blitzo falls, Loona drops down close enough for Blitzo to grab onto her fur. She lands safely onto the ground on all fours. Loona and Blitzo watch as Stolas is completely encased in ice, which then forms a giant ice dragon. Andrealphus shrieks a command and the dragon roars at the two of them.]

Blitzo: Oh, fuck me.

[Blitzo rides Loona away from the dragon.]

Millie: Ugh, eugh... Oh.

[Millie rubs her head in pain then looks around. She has conveniently landed in the Goetia armory room.]

Millie: Fuck yes!

[Moxxie arrives at the open wall and finds Millie, having loaded up on weaponry and carrying Stolas' flag.]

Millie: Catch baby!

[Millie tosses Moxxie a sword. Moxxie catches it eagerly, posing like a legendary warrior.]

Moxxie: You are so fucking hot right now.

Millie: *holds up machine gun* I think I'm gonna give the firepower a try this time!

[Millie gives Moxxie a kiss on the cheek as Blitzo and Loona arrive.]

Blitzo: Millie! Big weapon, stat!

[Millie tosses Blitzo a spear and he races off to combat. The dragon turns to face him and Loona and exhales smoke onto them. When the smoke clears, Blitzo looks up just as the dragon lowers its head toward them with its mouth open. Loona lands directly under the dragon and looks over to find Blitzo dangling over the dragon's throat, having used the spear as a makeshift pole. Loona avoids the dragon's feet as she runs out from under it.]

Blitzo: *humming flight of the Valkyrie, badly* Da da duh dun dun!

[Blitzo tries to kick the dragon's teeth but he can't reach it. The dragon is hit with missiles fired by Millie as she and Moxxie charge toward them.]

Millie: This is fun!

[Loona races beside Moxxie. Moxxie climbs onto her.]

Moxxie: Alright, sweetie. Cover me. *kises Millie's cheek* The prince's knight needs his sword!

[Millie stops and fires another round of missiles at the dragon. While the dragon is distracted, Loona climbs up the icy body of the dragon to reach the top of its nose.]

Blitzo: Eugh, disgusting!

Moxxie: Blitzo!

[Blitzo looks up and finds Moxxie hanging just outside of the dragon's mouth, holding the sword.]

Blitzo: Whoo! Impressive, Moxxie.

Moxxie: *tosses sword* Catch!

Blitzo: *catches sword* Yeah, Moxxie! High five--

[Blitzo high fives Moxxie, before realizing that he's let go of the spear. Blitzo screams as he falls into the dragon's mouth.]

Blitzo: Oh, whoa! Shit!

[The dragon closes its mouth as Moxxie slides off of its head. Andrealphus squawks victoriously as the dragon roars with Loona on its nose and Moxxie holding onto its jaw. The dragon suddenly stops and is decapitated. Blitzo slices the dragon by the neck, freeing himself, while holding Stolas in his free arm. Both begin to fall from midair.]

Stolas: You've just risked your life to save mine.

Blitzo: Well... So did you.

[While smiling, Stolas leans forward, initiating a kiss between the two, which Blitzo melts into and returns. Both land together onto the ground. Millie runs toward the severed Dragon's head and finds Loona and Moxxie are okay. However the fight is not over yet. As Andrealphus speaks, the ice dragon grows three heads, with one cornering Loona, another surrounding Millie and Moxxie and the third primed toward Blitzo and Stolas. Blitzo raises the sword for a fight.]

Andrealphus: How dare- you pathetic waste of lower class scum, attack ME! For this, I will see all your heads mounted!

[The third dragon head lunges toward Blitzo and Stolas. A dark purple beam then flies past the two and forms a barrier which blocks the dragon. Octavia pushes herself forward while forcing the barrier to hold the attack, until she is standing in front of Blitzo and Stolas.]

Andrealphus: Stand down, girl! This doesn't concern you.

[Octavia doesn't listen.]

Octavia: *grunting* ENOUGH! Stop it!

[Instead, she enforces the barrier again and pushes it into the dragon, destroying it entirely. The force also pushes Andrealphus back from the balcony.]

Octavia: You will not. Hurt. My. Dad.

[Andrealphus approaches the balcony to face Octavia.]

Andrealphus: *angrily* You're in no position to make demands of me! *smugly* Imagine what your mother will say.

Blitzo: *smugly* Uh huh. Exactly. Imagine what her mother will say when she finds out you got your ass handed to you by a gaggle of imps and a hellhound. I think that's what folks call a- BAD LOOK!

Octavia: *nodding* A very bad look.

[Andrealphus' pride overrides his rage and all he can do is fap his lips together.]

Andrealphus: You aren't worth my time anyway! But you WILL regret this.

[Andrealphus retreats into the palace. Stolas holds onto Blitzo for support before looking at Octavia, who is making her way back to the palace. Stolas runs toward her and embraces her in a hug.]

Stolas: Via! My brave, powerful girl! I am so proud of you!

[Octavia does not return this gesture. Her magic breaks a nearby block of ice apart that's reflecting the both of them.]

Octavia: You lied to me.

Stolas: What?

Octavia: *pushes Stolas away* You lied to me! You said you would never leave me! You promised!

Stolas: Via. I-I didn't leave you I-I- I would never, it wasn't my choice.

Octavia: It was your choice. You chose HIM!

[Octavia angrily points at Blitzo, who looks away in guilt as the rest of the crew watch the fallout in stunned silence. Stolas tries to step forward, but Octavia steps back.]

Stolas: Via, no! I didn't I just- I had to. You don't understand.

Octavia: *clenches fist as magic forms* I do understand! I understand that we were never enough for you! You never loved mother, and you don't love me, you love him. *holds up happy pills* And you needed THESE! Was this my fault that you needed these?

Stolas: No! No, never Via! *grabs Octavia's hands* Sweetie, please. You have always been the only good thing in my life!

Octavia: So does that mean you just stayed miserable because of me? *tearing up* Was I some fucking obligation? Is that why you didn't even hesitate when you got a chance to leave?

[Octavia pulls her hand back and turns to leave. Stolas takes her arm and falls to his knees.]

Stolas: I love you, Via. So, so much. Please, sweetie, let me explain.

Octavia: I can't. You lied to me once, and you'll do it again. *tears streaming* Have a great fucking life with him, Dad.

[Octavia takes her arm back and walks up the stairs to the palace. Stolas tries to reach out to her, but the icy walls build up again, preventing him from reaching her. He could only extend his arm to her while she reaches the door.]

Stolas: No, Via! Please! Please!!

[Octavia tearfully glances back at Stolas once last time, then looks away before the ice wall covers her. All Stolas can see now is his own reflection, tearing up. Stolas falls to his knees sobbing loudly in pain and anguish, having truly lost his daughter. Blitzo quietly approaches Stolas and places his jacket over him. I.M.P watch as Stolas continues crying, clutching his bottle of happy pills.]

[The camera cuts to the apartment. Loona, back in her regular form, opens the door to the apartment and stretches as she enters. Stolas, completely broken after today's events, quietly enters the apartment followed by Blitzo, who closes the door behind him.]

Loona: Whew. That was intense. I'm gonna see if my friends can still come tonight. I need some drinks after what happened today.

Blitzo: Yeah, sure. Whatever you want, Loony. Mmkay?

[Stolas silently holds Blitzo's jacket to Blitzo, without making any eye contact. Blitzo takes back the jacket and watches as Stolas sits down on the couch. Blitzo places a blanket over Stolas' shoulders then goes into the kitchen. He cooks some lava eggs and eats them, causing him to heat up, then sits on Stolas' lap to warm him up. Blitzo looks up at Stolas.]

Stolas: *heartbroken* She hates me.

[Blitzo frowns, unsure of what to say but quietly sits with Stolas. Time passes by and the Sinsmas party is now in full swing. Millie and Moxxie arrive at the apartment, and Loona is chatting with her hellhound friends while Blitzo watches, dressed in a holiday sweater. A Sinsmas song is playing in the background. Moxxie approaches Stolas with a plate of cookies shaped like horses, two of them resembling Blitzo and Stolas.]

Moxxie: You wanna try one of my home baked Sinsmas cookies, Your Highness? Eeh? Eeeh?

Stolas: *politely* I think I'll pass, but thank you. And you don't need to address me like that.

[Blitzo grabs his shaped cookie with his tongue and eats it, much to Moxxie's ire.]

Blitzo: Hey, where's Mills?

[Inside Blitzo's bathroom, Millie is washing her hands anxiously. She uses the paper towels to push down an open box in the trash. She looks down at the sink and frowns. She sighs as she slams her fist onto the sink.]

Millie: Shit.

[Millie steps out of the bathroom holding her phone as Moxxie approaches her, holding a board game called "Mammonopolli".]

Moxxie: Oh, hey sweetie. We're about to start board games!

Millie: *feigned smile* I'll be right there baby! Callin' the fam for Sins first.

[Millie leaves the apartment and calls someone. Sallie May answers the phone, and is in Lin and Joe's house.]

Sallie May: Hay!

Millie: Hey Sal, you alone?

[Sallie May looks over at Lin, Joe and the brothers, sitting with her in the living room in front of the TV. She prolongs her answer as she moves to the door and outside.]

Sallie May: Uuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmm... *once outside* Yes.

Millie: *voice breaking* Okay. Good. *tearfully* I just need someone to talk to about something.

Sallie May: What's goin' on?

[Millie looks down at her hand: A pregnancy test with a positive result. She sinks to the floor in fear.]

Millie: *crying* I don't know what to do.

[Loona holds up her phone to her friends.]

Loona: Okay, okay! So did you see fucking Vikki's post the other day? Fucking Vikki?

Gigi: I swear, if she posts one more humble brag about that ugly ass car, I'm going to commit.

Russ: Cha, for real.

[Having finished her call, Millie steps back into the apartment and hugs Moxxie.]

Moxxie: Oh, hi sweetie. How'd the call go?

Millie: It was nice. *frowning* You know I love you?

Moxxie: *nose rubs with Millie* Love you too!

[Moxxie walks Millie to the couch with the others. Millie is still conflicted about her news. Loona brings out a case of Glut-Honey: Sinsmas Edition.]

Loona: Okay! Time for the board games! WITH DRINKS!

[As Loona passes out the drinks to everyone, Blitzo notices Stolas getting up and walking out to the balcony.]

Loona: *laughs* Merry fucking Sinsmas, am I right? *laughs* Vikki's such a bitch!

[Blitzo gets up and, after putting the blanket back on the couch, heads toward the balcony.]

Loona: No, I didn't invite her! She brings the whole party down!

Blitzo: Hey, you guys go on without me, okay? I'll just- I need a moment.

[On the balcony, Stolas is smoking a cigarette. Blitzo walks over to him.]

Blitzo: You mind if I steal?

Stolas: Oh, when have you ever asked?

[Stolas hands Blitzo his cigarette. Blitzo takes a puff and hands it back to Stolas.]

Blitzo: Today was a lot, wasn't it? I-I- I know you can't see your kid. And I know you did so fucking much just to save my life-

Stolas: *calmly* It's okay. Saving you was the right thing to do. And you have risked your life for mine in return. *takes puff from cigarette* You don't need to feel any guilt for my situation, it was my choice. *sadly* It was all my choice. I caused all of this.

Blitzo: Well, she'll understand eventually. *puts hand on Stolas' arm* You just gotta give her time.

Stolas: Blitzo, she's gone. For one hundred years, she's gone. And after all that time, she'll never forgive me. I'll be a stranger to her.

[Blitzo frowns, understanding Stolas' feelings.]

Blitzo: Y'know, my twin sister... She hates me too. For something that I did. And I miss her, every day. We were so fucking close, y'know, we- It's a shitty feeling. But, you just gotta keep trying.

[Blitzo tries to put his hand on Stolas' but Stolas moves his hand away.]

Stolas: Yes. *puffs cigarette* Of course.

[A slow, festive song starts playing as Russ pokes his head out onto the balcony. Loona joins him soon after.]

Russ: No "O"! Get your ass in here! We're starting the games!

Loona: Yeah, I need you to show up Russ!

Blitzo: Hey, I'll be back in just a sec, 'kay? Sounds like uh... *rubs neck* they want me back in there. *chuckles*

Song: ♪ You pack a bag ♪

♪ You say goodbye ♪

Stolas: Go enjoy your Sinsmas, Blitzo.

♪ You kiss me on the cheek ♪

♪ And look me in the eye ♪

Stolas: I'm fine. You don't have to stay here with me.

[Blitzo smiles then climbs up the balcony railing.]

Stolas: What are you doing?

Song: ♪ You tell a lie ♪

♪ That you will soon return to me ♪

Blitzo: Well, I can't fucking dance with you without- come here- *pulls Stolas closer* getting inventive.

[Stolas smiles and takes Blitzo's hand. The two proceed to dance on the balcony together.]

Song: ♪ I loved you then ♪

♪ I love you still ♪

♪ And now it won't be long until ♪

♪ You're here at last ♪

♪ And then I ask ♪

♪ If your heart still burns for me? ♪

Stolas: Hah. I imagine we look ridiculous right now.

Blitzo: *scoffs* Yeah, like that's anything new.

Song: ♪ I would travel every ring of Hell ♪

Blitzo: I mean, look at me, I'm, like, four feet tall, and you? You're like one of those really, very tall, tall horses.

Song: ♪ Just to see if you'll be mine ♪

Stolas: Never seemed to be an issue, *chuckles* I guess you were just... creative.

Blitzo: Only as creative as you were flexible.

[Stolas laughs at the innuendo. He is starting to feel a little better. Blitzo stares at Stolas' eyes while he stares at Blitzo's lips. Stolas stares at Blitzo's eyes while he stares at Stolas' lips. Finally, they stare directly at each other.]

Song: ♪ Merry Sinsmas ♪

♪ Know that you're on my mind! ♪

[Blitzo smiles and gives Stolas a hug. While he accepts the hug, Stolas doesn't return it. He looks up at the night sky, reflecting on everything.]

Song: ♪ Merry Sinsmas ♪

♪ Truer love is hard to find ♪

[Stolas closes his eyes as the episode ends.]
