This is a transcribed copy of iconic quotes by Stella. Feel free to edit or add to this page, as long as the information comes directly from the respective episodes.
Hellluva Boss Season 1[]
"Loo Loo Land"[]
- ―Stella arguing with Stolas for sleeping with Blitzo.
- ―Stella when Stolas says he didn't have time to check in for a motel.
- "You want to fuck this one, TOO?!"
- ―Stella, before violently throwing an imp servant at Stolas.
- "You are a goddamn embarrassment! I'm not spending another moment looking at pathetic IMP SUCKING FACE!"
- ―Stella continuing to argue with Stolas.
"The Harvest Moon Festival"[]
- "It better not. I want this cheating prick dead. I don't care who you have to go through, MAKE IT HAPPEN!"
- ―Stella to Striker when he failed to assassinate Stolas. Said in front of Stolas.
Hellluva Boss Season 2[]
"The Circus"[]
- "I know still being married isn't a big enough occasion, but to be fair, it's no picnic being married to a boring stiff like Stolas."
- ―Stella on the phone, complaining about Stolas.
- "Ugh–Stolas, you know I like throwing parties, plus it's true so you can come if you want."
- ―Stella when Stolas questions about the not divorced anniversary.
- "No! Stolas is TERRIBLE in bed! I swear to fuck he just lays there staring at the wall and I have to do everything! It's embarrassing!"
- ―Stella talking bad about Stolas to her friends.
- "I'm glad one egg fell out of me so I could stop pretending to want to fuck his scrawny twig ass."
- ―Stella continuing to complain about Stolas.
- "What a PATHETIC fucking man!"
- ―Stella before leaving.
- ―Stella after Blitzo mentions the affair with Stolas.
- "Well, stop! It's annoying to hear you screech your silly words all the time."
- ―Stella telling Stolas to keep it down.
- "I like tormenting you, I want to keep reminding you of what you did."
- ―Stella mentioning the affair with Blitzo.
- "How DARE you? What do you think the rest of the Goetia family with think? Andrealphus—"
- ―Stella when Stolas wants a divorce.
- "Fine. I have no desire to stay in a place with traitorous embarrassment. You have fallen from what little grace you had, and I know you'll PAY for it."
- ―Stella to Stolas after he stops her from attacking him.
"Seeing Stars"[]
- "What?! What did you just tell them to do?!"
- ―Stella, over the phone hearing Stolas telling the movers to break her things.
- "I'm going to take everything, everything you own!!!"
- ―Stella, over the phone with Stolas
"Western Energy"[]
- "Guilty! Yes it was!"
- ―Stella, admitting to the assassination
- "He'll be dead! Why wouldn't it?"
- ―Stella, to Andrealphus
- "Laugh? Ha!"
- ―Stella, when Andrealphus asks what would happen if she kills Stolas
- "Agh! Well, what do you propose we do? He won't leave me anything willingly. He hates me almost as much as I hate him."
- ―Stella, to Andrealphus, about Stolas
- "Ooooh, but I want him dead so badly!"
- ―Stella, to Andrealphus
- "Change of plans, darling. I need the prick alive."
- ―Stella, telling Striker to not kill Stolas
- "Well stop it, we need him alive to get some affairs in order. I will pay you more to spare him and bring him to us."
- ―Stella, further explaining her intentions of keeping Stolas alive
- "Oh yes! Stolas has his heart shat on by that little imp cretin he was seeing!"
- ―Stella, to Andrealphus about Stolas' breakup with Blitzo
- "Yes, I believe he finally learnt that that filthy little beast was only using him to gain access to his grimoire! *cackles* Fucking moron."
- ―Stella, to Andrealphus about Blitzo using Stolas' grimoire
- "That fancy book thing."
- ―Stella, to Andrealphus about Stolas' grimoire
- "Why do you care?"
- ―Stella, asking Andrealphus
- ―Stella, when Andrealphus throws a temper over her not informing him about Blitzo using Stolas' grimoire
- "Now you fucking know."
- ―Stella, to Andrealphus about knowing what she knows
- "Sorry, sweetie. No talking to that deadbeat."
- ―Stella, to Octavia when Stolas attempts to call her
- "Andrealphus, look who's finally calling!"
- ―Stella, to Andrealphus about Stolas
- "He thinks he's going to talk to his daughter! Hilarious!"
- ―Stella, mocking Stolas for trying to talk to Octavia
- "He's been trying to call her all fucking month and it's hilarious!"
- ―Stella, on the phone, about Stolas