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Hazbin Hotel Wiki

This is a transcribed copy of iconic quotes by Stella. Feel free to edit or add to this page, as long as the information comes directly from the respective episodes.

Hellluva Boss Season 1[]

"Loo Loo Land"[]

―Stella arguing with Stolas for sleeping with Blitzo.
―Stella when Stolas says he didn't have time to check in for a motel.
"You want to fuck this one, TOO?!"
―Stella, before violently throwing an imp servant at Stolas.
"You are a goddamn embarrassment! I'm not spending another moment looking at pathetic IMP SUCKING FACE!"
―Stella continuing to argue with Stolas.

"The Harvest Moon Festival"[]

"It better not. I want this cheating prick dead. I don't care who you have to go through, MAKE IT HAPPEN!"
―Stella to Striker when he failed to assassinate Stolas. Said in front of Stolas.

Hellluva Boss Season 2[]

"The Circus"[]

"I know still being married isn't a big enough occasion, but to be fair, it's no picnic being married to a boring stiff like Stolas."
―Stella on the phone, complaining about Stolas.
"Ugh–Stolas, you know I like throwing parties, plus it's true so you can come if you want."
―Stella when Stolas questions about the not divorced anniversary.
"No! Stolas is TERRIBLE in bed! I swear to fuck he just lays there staring at the wall and I have to do everything! It's embarrassing!"
―Stella talking bad about Stolas to her friends.
"I'm glad one egg fell out of me so I could stop pretending to want to fuck his scrawny twig ass."
―Stella continuing to complain about Stolas.
"What a PATHETIC fucking man!"
―Stella before leaving.
―Stella after Blitzo mentions the affair with Stolas.
"Well, stop! It's annoying to hear you screech your silly words all the time."
―Stella telling Stolas to keep it down.
"I like tormenting you, I want to keep reminding you of what you did."
―Stella mentioning the affair with Blitzo.
"How DARE you? What do you think the rest of the Goetia family with think? Andrealphus—"
―Stella when Stolas wants a divorce.
"Fine. I have no desire to stay in a place with traitorous embarrassment. You have fallen from what little grace you had, and I know you'll PAY for it."
―Stella to Stolas after he stops her from attacking him.

"Seeing Stars"[]

"What?! What did you just tell them to do?!"
―Stella, over the phone hearing Stolas telling the movers to break her things.
"I'm going to take everything, everything you own!!!"
―Stella, over the phone with Stolas

"Western Energy"[]

"Guilty! Yes it was!"
―Stella, admitting to the assassination
"He'll be dead! Why wouldn't it?"
―Stella, to Andrealphus
"Laugh? Ha!"
―Stella, when Andrealphus asks what would happen if she kills Stolas
"Agh! Well, what do you propose we do? He won't leave me anything willingly. He hates me almost as much as I hate him."
―Stella, to Andrealphus, about Stolas
"Ooooh, but I want him dead so badly!"
―Stella, to Andrealphus
"Change of plans, darling. I need the prick alive."
―Stella, telling Striker to not kill Stolas
"Well stop it, we need him alive to get some affairs in order. I will pay you more to spare him and bring him to us."
―Stella, further explaining her intentions of keeping Stolas alive


"Oh yes! Stolas has his heart shat on by that little imp cretin he was seeing!"
―Stella, to Andrealphus about Stolas' breakup with Blitzo
"Yes, I believe he finally learnt that that filthy little beast was only using him to gain access to his grimoire! *cackles* Fucking moron."
―Stella, to Andrealphus about Blitzo using Stolas' grimoire
"That fancy book thing."
―Stella, to Andrealphus about Stolas' grimoire
"Why do you care?"
―Stella, asking Andrealphus
―Stella, when Andrealphus throws a temper over her not informing him about Blitzo using Stolas' grimoire
"Now you fucking know."
―Stella, to Andrealphus about knowing what she knows


"Sorry, sweetie. No talking to that deadbeat."
―Stella, to Octavia when Stolas attempts to call her
"Andrealphus, look who's finally calling!"
―Stella, to Andrealphus about Stolas
"He thinks he's going to talk to his daughter! Hilarious!"
―Stella, mocking Stolas for trying to talk to Octavia
"He's been trying to call her all fucking month and it's hilarious!"
―Stella, on the phone, about Stolas